Page 21 of Forbidden Desire

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He did this for me, to make sure I had a carefree experience while I was out with him. Not one person has doubled back to sneak another glance at me. I know I’m in sunglasses, but those don’t work as often as people may think. Beau pushes past an older couple who look at us with bright smiles, then they nod and let Beau squeeze in front of them to grab a lemon.

“What are we even doing here?”

Beau smiles at me. “I thought I could make you dinner tonight.” He must sense something in my reaction because his smile drops and a frown replaces it. “Is that not okay?”

I try to give a smile, but it doesn’t reach my eyes like I’m sure he’s expecting. “Yeah, it’s great, I’m just surprised.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “What did you eat today?”

Well, that has to be a trick question because I’ve been with him all morning and he knows I haven’t eaten anything. I chuckle. “We left as soon as I woke up, Beau.”

“Good point,” he mutters, then he goes back to narrowing his eyes. “What did you eat yesterday?”

I blink in surprise and try to pull my hand free from his, but he doesn’t budge. “W-what do you mean?”

“You left pretty quickly yesterday. There wasn’t any food made when I came inside yesterday morning, and judging by how fast you left I’m assuming you never made anything before that.” Then he clenches his jaw and says, “Just tell me what you ate yesterday.”

I shake my head as the tears sting the back of my eyelids.

Shit. Not in the market, around all these people. “Can we go?” I ask, my breaths becoming ragged.

He nods curtly, then takes what he’s already grabbed and heads toward the checkout. While he pays for everything I hurry through the exit and bend over at the side of his truck, gasping for air that I can’t seem to find. I’m outside for God's sake, why can’t I breathe right now?

“Piper?” Beau asks, his voice laced with worry. When I look up at him his eyebrows are scrunched and he bends down to my level. “Are you okay?”

I nod and the moment his hand comes down on my skin it’s like my lungs open back up and I’m able to breathe in the fresh air. “Three nutrition bars.” I’m surprised by the admission, but I couldn’t bear to lie to him right now.

He blinks in confusion. “What?”

“What I ate yesterday,” I manage to say. “Three nutrition bars.”

“That’s all?” He asks, his gaze growing more concerned. “Baby, you have to eat more than that.”

I glare at him and hug myself. “Well, Beau, that’s not exactly how my line of work goes. I need to look the part of a fashion designer and being fat isn’t it.”

“Fat?” He says incredulously. “Who told you that you’d be fat?” When I don’t answer he growls and slams his hand down on the truck. “It was her, wasn’t it?”


He glares at me. “The woman who threw your sandwich into the trash when I was in your office the other day.” My silence is answer enough for him and he rips the passenger door open. “Get in, we’re having a nice meal. And youwilleat it or I’ll take you to the hospital for malnutrition. How have you not fallen over yet?”

The silence and the way he’s gripping the steering wheel have me nervous for what the night will bring. I’ve been feeling extra tired, but that’s normal with all the hours I’ve been working and lack of sleep. Right? Am Itootired?

Chapter Fourteen


AfterfindingoutwhyPiper hasn’t been eating like she should be, I’ve decided to make the drastic decision of going to her office. She’s still asleep in the guest house and her phone is on silent since she’s got the entire weekend off, but I have a few words to say to a certain someone today.

My blood was boiling most of the night, even as I watched Piper stuff every single thing I made into her mouth. How could she have let someone dictate her eating habits so harshly? I shake my head at the thought as I walk through the front doors of her headquarters, then stride over to the elevator with determination.

I’m sure the people at this place won’t like me any longer once I say what I need to, but that’s not my damn problem. Piper is going to end up in the hospital from how little she’s eating, and it’s all because ofher.


Once Piper walked through the door she told me all about what Penny demanded she do to fit the image of her brand. I was disgusted before Piper even finished talking and knew without a doubt I’d be coming here today. A few people walking around Piper’s floor eye me curiously, but go back to whatever task they were working on and choose to ignore me.

When I get to the large desk sitting front and center of the room, I smile at the blonde woman behind it and ask, “Hi, I was wondering if I could have a moment with Penny?”
