Page 22 of Forbidden Desire

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The blonde darts her gaze to the screen in front of her, then scrolls through before looking back up at me. “She’s not available right now, sir, could I leave a message for her?”

I shake my head and narrow my eyes. “That won’t be necessary, and you may as well squeeze me in right now or else I’m going to make my own way back there.”

She nods frantically, then lifts the phone from the hook and relays everything to Penny. The woman gives me a nervous smile before saying, “Walk around, she’s the third door on the left.”

I don’t even knock on the door before opening it and Penny jumps from her seat, glaring at me, before realizing who I am. “Oh, you’re that friend of Piper’s from before, have a seat.” She’s putting on an act right now and it only makes me angrier.

“Not necessary, Penny, I just came to say a few words.”

She blinks at me. “Okay then. What is it?”

I lean forward, placing my hands flat on the surface of her desk, and glare at her. “What makes you think that you can dictate the way someone eats?”

“Sir, I’m not sure you understand what this industry is like, what lengths everyone has to go through in it,” she says with a smile. “This is the best shot she has at not getting negativity.”

I growl. “Oh, and I suppose her falling over from malnutrition is one of those lengths she needs to go through?” I’m beyond angry right now and I’m about ready to throw a chair through a window.

Penny sighs and stands from her chair. “Let’s not be dramatic. She’s perfectly fine.”

“Fine?” I say and run a hand over my face, doing my hardest not to freak out. “You call eatingthreenutrition bars in one day, fine?”

She rolls her eyes, then glances at her phone when it rings. “I’ve got a meeting to get to, you can see yourself out.”

I point at her and say, “I’ll make sure you never demand anything like that again, trust me on that.” Then I walk from the office without another word, glaring at anyone who looks in my direction.

It doesn’t take me long to pull back in front of Piper’s and I find her sitting out on her front porch with her arms wrapped around herself. She jumps up and rushes down the steps, meeting me as soon as I step out of the truck, and wraps her arms around me. I lean into her warmth, then pull away with a smile.

“What’s that for?”

She smiles and shakes her head. “Just got worried, that’s all. You were gone when I woke up.”

“I have a plan for the day, something much more fun than our adventure yesterday. Think you’re up for it?”

Her teeth sink into her bottom lip and she nods excitedly. “Yeah, I think I am.”

I slap her ass lightly and nudge my head toward her house, then lean down and press my lips softly against hers. “Well, go get dressed then. Make sure to wear something comfortable — no dresses.”

“No dresses?”

“Nothing dressy at all, you wouldn’t want to get your nice clothes messy.”

“Uh, where are we going?”

I crack a big smile and say, “The county fair.” I then walk away from her and head inside, getting my own clothes changed. A suit felt like the most suitable thing to wear when I made the stop into her office, so I need to change out of that.

When I get back outside, Piper’s already standing by the truck and she’s tapping her foot frantically against the pavement. She looks up at me and gives me a nervous smile before jumping into the truck.

“Is it okay if we do this?” I ask when I get inside.

She nods and brings her hand over mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Yeah, I just need to let it sink in.”

“Let what sink in?”

“That we’re about to go to one of the most public places in town, where anyone could get a picture of us.”

Right. John could easily find out about us if someone posts a picture. Maybe it would be best if we didn’t go and stayed in for the day instead. I’d hate to make her uncomfortable. I’m about to turn the engine off and get out when her hand halts my movements.

“No, seriously, I want to go. I haven’t been to the fair in years, it will be fun. Something that’s much needed at this point for me.”
