Page 144 of Enchanted Queen

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“Does who talk about you?” I asked.

“Malachi. Whit. The dragon queen. I had to have left an impression.”

I grinned. “You do realize they can shift into actual creatures, right? One jovial guard from Wylan isn’t much to write home about.”

“So they do write about me then?”

I laughed.

“How’s Emric?” he asked. “Behaving?”

I took a sip of my lemonade. “Better than I am. He’s been great, honestly. Not sure you shouldn’t have just sent him instead of me after all. He’s gone full scholar.”

“Emric? We are talking about the same Emric, yeah?”

I nodded. “He also has taken a liking to the Dra Skor sea shanties. They’ve only taught him one so far, thankfully.”

“Now that sounds more like him,” Owen snorted.

Off in the distance a scream rang out, stealing both of our attentions and abruptly ending our chat. People were moving and running. Not away, necessarily, but toward one another. It was the mothers scooping up their children.

Worried for Warrick, yes he was Wylan’s heir, but he was also just my nephew, I strode for him put him on my back again, just to make sure he didn’t run off or get lost in the shuffle.

“What is it?” I asked Owen, having seen a guard speaking to him while I grabbed Warrick.

“Someone at the shore near your ship saw some sort of beast of a creature in the sea.”

The blood immediately drained from my face.

“A creature?” Warrick asked.

That was no sea beast. It was a dragon.

“Keir,” Warrick gasped. “Could it be a land dragon?”

“I need to get there,” I said to everyone and no one in particular. “And yes, Warrick. It isn’t a beast at all, just a friend. A friend who in this form is quite large.”

Krew was there, taking Warrick before handing him off to Jorah. “I will go with you.”

“Me too,” Owen agreed.

While the guards and Krew bickered, them not wanting Krew to go near whatever it was, I was trying not to panic. Something was wrong. Kian or Savanna wouldn’t have just shown up to the party for fun. Not when I was due to leave for Dra Skor two mornings from now.

I was running before I thought twice about it. Owen and Krew were on my heels, a trail of guards following us as the argument continued.

I passed numerous people pointing, a few screams heard as people kept an eye on the water and the black blob within. While they all avoided it, I ran directly for it. I selfishly wanted to use my magic to get me there even faster, but I also didn’t want to trample anyone.

The sun had almost entirely set, only a sliver of it remaining on the horizon, so I had no idea how they’d even spotted him, other than there were some lights around the docks.

Panting, I finally made it to the shore. “Kian? Savanna?”

“They’ll just hear you?” Owen asked.

I grabbed my knees a moment. “Yeah. The dragons have heightened senses. And he knows what our ship looks like. He was likely hoping to be seen.”

Sure enough, his head started moving in my direction. It was Kian.

I turned to all the guards and my brother. “Krew, back up. If only to put your guards at ease. This is a friend of mine. Absolutely no one draw your weapons. He is not our enemy.”
