Page 27 of Gio's Possession

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Giving him a nod, I gear up to get my wife back.

“When I get my hands on my little wife, I am going to turn her ass red. She won’t be able to sit down for a week.” I just pray I get that chance.

Marcello gives me a somber look. “We’ll bring her home safe, bro. The little nutjob is starting to grow on me, so we can’t let anything happen to her. ”

It’s scary to see Marcello so serious. I mean, I’ve seen him murder people, but he’s not usually this serious with me. His adding the little remark about Everly being a nutjob is more like him, but you can tell by the sad look on his face and that there was no playfulness in his voice; he is just as worried as the rest of us.

“We have to, Mar. I can’t live without her.”

Pulling out my Glock, I make sure it’s fully loaded, grabbing some extra ammunition out of the glove compartment. Marcello is doing the same. Always go into any situation prepared for the worst. I check to be sure both of my blades are in their holsters. One on my hip, one at my ankle.

Running for the front door with my gun ready to shoot, we enter the dilapidated house.


Looking around the room that I’m in, I try to find anything that I can use as a weapon.

It smells like piss, sweat, and mildew. I look around at the floor; it’s filthy and filled with garbage. I even see a couple of used syringes lying around. Broken glass might be the best option. I grab a piece that looks like I can use it to defend myself. This will have to do. Over in the corner, there is a dirty mattress lying on the floor with no sheets, and it has exposed springs protruding from it.

When Oliver found me at the bus station and brought me here, I knew I was in danger. He looks even more deranged than when he attacked me in my bedroom. His hair is greasy and limp. His eyes are dead, and his facial affect is nonexistent. It’s like an empty body. He smells of body odor and stale cigarettes and has dirty clothes on. This isn’t unusual, but it is worse than I have ever seen him.

He threw me into this room and left me, telling me he would be back. When I say he threw me, he stood at the door and shoved me so hard that I fell to the floor, and my head bounced off of the hard surface. My head is throbbing.

I hear voices. There is more than just Oliver in this house. As the voices coming down the hall get closer, I hear my father. I try not to get my hopes up that he will save me. He didn’t save me last time and handed me over to Oliver on a silver platter. As lazy as my dad is, I still can’t wrap my head around what he did or that he could be complicit in kidnapping me now.

The door flies open, hitting the wall behind it, and my father walks through first.


“You fucking no good whore. You ran off and left me with no way to pay my debts. Who the fuck do you think you are? I own your cunt, and you are going to use it to make me some money.”

He’s holding a wad of cash in his hands, counting it.

Bile shoots up my throat, and I’m overcome with nausea. “Please don’t, Dad. Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because it’s easy money, and what else are you good for? The whole time you’ve been making money since you’ve been gone because we found all of this in your bag. This is mine now. How’d you make all of this?” Cackling, he sounds like a demon.

I stole from an innocent man, only for my father to find the money and take it for himself. I’m overcome with despair. I will never admit to him that I stooped to his criminal ways to survive.

“You are a piece of shit, selling your own daughter. Go to hell, you son of a bitch!”

I should have held my tongue. I didn’t see his hand coming at my face, but the force of it knocked my head back. My cheek is on fire, and I feel blood trickling down from my upper lip. My already aching head feels like I’ve been hit with a baseball bat. The sound of the smack makes a loud pop.

“You really raised an ungrateful twat of a kid, Wes. Hopefully, her being rotten doesn’t carry over to her pussy.” Oliver chuckles.

“Hurry up and fuck her so we can call it even. Then I’ve got another buyer coming to sample her. He’s willing to pay me a ton of cash if I let him bring his friends and share her. This bitch is going to start making me some money.” My father turns away and walks out of the bedroom door, locking it behind him without giving me a second look. Locking Oliver and me inside together, knowing that Oliver is going to rape me, is so fucked up. My own father who gave me life. He is even talking about selling me to other men after Oliver is finished with me, and taking my money with him is just the icing on the cake.

I’m not sure why I’m still shocked. When I think my father can’t turn any more vile, he does something to prove me wrong. Tears spill down my cheeks. I have never hurt anyone, but I have the shard of glass in my hand down beside me, and I know that very soon, I will have to choose to fight or to allow these men to continue to take pieces of me that aren’t theirs to take. They will take and take until there is nothing left.

I contemplate just giving up and using the glass to slice my wrist open. I am so tired of fighting and exhausted from life kicking me while I’m down. I don’t know what the purpose of living is anymore. I just want to lay down and not wake up. My heart hurts so bad. It hurts because I’ve lost my mom, I’ve lost Gio, and even though Dad hasn’t ever been much of a father, he’s also no longer a human being. He’s the devil. Now, I’m losing myself as well.

The only thing that gives me pause is that if these two predators don’t have me to use, will they find other women to rape and torture? I owe it to other young women to keep them from hurting anyone else. I’m just not sure how to do that. Do I allow them to use my body and sell me in hopes that they won’t bother or hurt anyone else, or do I fight them and hurt them? I’ve never hurt another human being, and the thought of doing so makes me sick to my stomach.

As these thoughts run through my head, Oliver comes closer, throwing me onto the dirty mattress on the floor. God only knows what disgusting fluids are on this bed. His heavy body dives on top of me, and his weight bears down on me. He wraps one hand around the back of my head, jerking me by my hair, bending my neck back until it feels like it’s going to break. His other hand goes to my throat, and it squeezes while he stares directly into my eyes, spittle flying out of his mouth as Oliver speaks.

“I can’t wait to get inside this tight virgin pussy.” He’s choking me, and I start to see spots. My hands are on his chest, and I try to push him off, but I can’t move him. He lets go of my throat, and I gasp for air, trying to get as much oxygen in as I can. Still holding on to my hair, he reaches down and rips my shirt down the middle. He looks down at my cleavage at the top of my bra with hunger in his eyes. Grabbing at it, he tears the bra from my body until I’m bare.

Jerking down my leggings, he uses his knees to pry my legs open. All the while, I’m struggling against him. Fighting and screaming at the top of my lungs.
