Page 28 of Gio's Possession

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There are only panties left between Oliver and me. I try to kick, but he weighs too much for me to get any leverage. He reaches down and rips my panties off. The material makes a tearing sound, and I know the little bit of protection that I had is gone.

He reaches his hand down into the front of his pants, unbuttoning them and pulling out his cock. “Stop fighting, you cunt. I’ve paid for you, and I’m going to get my money’s worth out of you.”

I grasp at straws on how to catch his attention to buy myself more time. I’m desperate for anything to save me.

“You might rape me, but I’m not a virgin anymore.”


I feel another burning, this time on the other side of my face.

“You whore. You gave your pussy to another man? I paid for an untouched cunt. Your father promised me. I can do anything I want to you. I paid for an untouched pussy, and now I get a used-up slut.”

“That’s right, motherfucker. I gave my pussy away because I wanted a real man to have it, and I knew no matter what you did to me, you would never be able to have me as a virgin.” I fire words at him with bravado that I don’t really feel, but I refuse to cower for this scumbag.

“I’m going to fuck you bloody, Princess, and then I’m going to flip you over and take that virgin ass. You kept that for Uncle Oliver, didn’t you, Princess? I’m going to fuck you over and over until you are full of blood and my cum. You won’t be able to wash my scent off of you. Then your father is going to let other men come in and have my sloppy seconds. You won’t know anything but working on your back for the rest of your life. A fucking merry-go-round with different men taking their turns over and over.”

Grabbing his cock, he moves it down and lines it up with my pussy. He’s going to rape me, and the only trick I have left up my sleeve is one that I didn’t want to have to use. He’s forced my hand, and all it’s going to take for him to be inside me is one thrust. I can’t allow this man to take that part of me. I won’t survive it.

He looks down and reaches to insert his cock inside of me. I know that I have a fraction of a second to make a decision. My time is up. I bring my hand up to his throat and slice him. The shard of glass cuts through his throat, and blood sprays out onto my face below. His throat is bleeding like a faucet. I’ve never seen so much blood. Oliver gurgles and collapses on top of me with his bare cock touching my thigh. He’s too heavy for me to move. He makes one more gasping sound like he’s trying to take a breath. Then it stops, and he’s quiet. I know he’s dead. There’s way too much blood for someone to survive. I am drenched in it. Wet, sticky, and slick. That was as close of a call as I could have gotten without him being inside of me. I am in a panic to get away from all of the blood. All I see is red.

My heart is pounding out of my chest, and I’m breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. I can’t stop screaming in a high-pitched shrill. At first, I wondered where the sound was coming from, and then I realized it was coming from me.

I continue to struggle, but his body is too heavy. I am covered in blood, and it’s made my hands slippery. The glass has long fallen out of my hand. When I try to shove him, my hands slip off of his skin from all of the blood on both of us.

If my father returns to this room, I have no way to defend myself. He’s definitely going to beat me and probably kill me when he sees that I’ve killed his friend.

Oh my god. I have killed someone.

I can’t hold back the sobs anymore. I cry for the life I should have had. I cry for the abuse that I’ve suffered, and I cry because I don’t have a future to live for anymore. I’m alone in the world, and I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this bed. A dead body holding me down and blood drenching me. The weight of Oliver’s body is suffocating. My mind starts to break.


We hear a loud screech and someone wailing at the top of their lungs. It sends a shudder down my spine. It’s a sound that I never want to hear again. It’s my angel, and she’s in trouble. The sound is sheer terror.

Busting in the front door, we clear the room, ready to shoot anything that moves. There are old beer cans and food containers all over the room, garbage covering the floor. Paint is chipping from the walls, and it looks like someone has vomited, and it’s splashed up on the wall. The smell is horrendous. It’s a mix of old food, mildew, human waste, and stale cigarette smoke. It makes me gag.

The sound of a straight wail is coming from upstairs. Running up, with Marcello following behind, I come to a stop in front of the door that the sound is coming from. Kicking the door in, I burst into the room.

This room is in much the same condition as the others, but there is a mattress on the floor, with a naked man on top of a screeching woman. She’s drenched in blood from head to toe. I can barely make out that it’s Everly. Even her hair is soaked with blood.

My eyes try to make sense of what I’m seeing while my heart splits in half. He’s naked on top of my sweet girl. He’s also very dead. Getting my wits about me, I move forward and remove the large man off of Everly. She’s stark naked, and the only thing covering her skin is the man’s blood. I rip off my jacket, placing it on Everly’s limp body.

Her eyes are frozen in horror, and she’s looking at me but directly through me. It’s like she’s not really seeing that I’m here right in front of her.

I try to calm her screaming, whispering soothing words, telling her it’s going to be okay. She’s safe now. I bend down and lift her chin until her terrified eyes meet mine.

“Everly, I’m here now, baby. You are safe. I’ve got you. I’m going to pick you up and take you out of here.”

She stops screaming but is looking at me like she’s catatonic. I don’t know if she’s comprehending what I’m telling her or not. The pain that is written all over her face is excruciating to see.

“Marcello, get our men over here to clean up this mess. Clean any evidence of Everly being here up. We can’t take the risk of this body being linked to her.”

“You got it, Gio. Go take care of our girl.” Marcello is as confused as I am by the scene, and he’s also wearing a look that I’ve never seen cross his face before. Pity. He knows what it looks like and that my girl might not recover. I don’t know how much damage has been done mentally and psychologically to Everly. I know that whatever happened here today has changed her, and not for the better.

My heart aches seeing her in this condition, knowing that someone has scarred her for life. I’m not sure if she can come back from this, and if she can’t, I might not survive it either. If the asshole weren’t dead already, I would slaughter him myself.

I move slowly and hold Everly tenderly, still whispering soothing words of protection and safety into her ears as I walk her out to the SUV. Outside, my father bursts out of a separate vehicle along with six armed men.

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