Page 33 of Gio's Possession

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Dad: Night, son.

Marcello: Tell Everly we got her, G. Night.

My little sister lives out of state. She wants nothing to do with the mafia life, but she loves her family. We are a close-knit bunch. My father has indulged her in having as much of a normal life as possible but still has men following her. We have too many enemies not to.

Most mafia princesses are used to barter and trade, sold off like cattle to the highest bidder. Usually, it’s to another powerful family in our world. They are often traded or sold to enemies with no concern over how they will be treated for the rest of their lives. Many end up abused and even murdered by their arranged husbands. That’s not what we wanted for my sister. She will be married into the mafia but whoever she ends up with will be handpicked by my father or I. We will ensure that her husband doesn't abuse her. It's the best compromise we can offer her in this life.

My family is different. We value our women, and we hold our soldiers to the same standards. Typically, men in the mafia circles have mistresses and fuck their way through unlimited brothels and strip clubs. It’s just the accepted way of life. Many beat their wives and abuse their children, and no one gives it a second look.

Our mafia family is a real family. Women and children are respected, and if you aren’t going to stay monogamous, then don’t get married. If you marry, then there is no way out. No divorce. Everyone knows too much, and divorces get nasty. We can’t afford to have a disgruntled spouse go to the media and relay our business. If one of our men mistreats their women, we encourage the women to come to their superior. We deal with them.

No women or children are made to stay with an abuser. Their protection is always our priority, and if a man hurts his wife or children, that will sign their death warrant. The security that it provides the wives of our soldiers buys their loyalty. If their husband gets killed serving our family, then we make sure they are taken care of. Their children will always have a roof over their heads and food on the table.

My father knew he wanted our family to run a different kind of mafia. A few of the old traditions have stuck, but he has changed a lot, and I’m proud to follow in his footsteps and continue his ways. I have grown up watching him treat my mother and sister well.

After putting my phone away and putting on what Everly calls my porn-pants, no shirt, of course, I head down to the kitchen. Porn-pants are the name she deemed my gray sweatpants. When I wear them, she almost drools from the mouth. I’m not exactly trying to seduce her, but I am giving her something I know she likes to look at. I have to walk on eggshells where sex is concerned, but once Everly recovers, I still plan on punishing her for leaving me. Not only that, but we also need to work on getting her pregnant with my baby. I can’t wait to see her swell with my cum inside of her.

Adjusting myself, I try to think of things that won’t keep my dick hard and go find my wife. I’m already feeling antsy just being away from her for a few short minutes.


Now that I know Gio isn’t engaged or with any other woman, I have settled on the idea of staying here with him. I promised to give our relationship a chance, and I meant it. Our marriage might have started off unconventionally, but Gio said he was falling in love with me. I’m willing to accept his violent lifestyle because I feel safe and cared for with him. He’s also the hottest man who has ever lived.

I make us a quick dinner, and when he comes into the kitchen, my mouth almost hits the floor. He’s wearing those gray sweatpants I love, no shirt, his abs are well-defined, and I can’t stop myself from staring. His chest and stomach are both covered in tattoos. Beautiful works of art. I love his ink as I run my eyes along his chest, looking at each one.

“Eyes up here, wife.” He has a smirk on his face that makes me want to kiss it off.

I didn’t think I would ever want to be touched again or even think about sex, but I want him to erase the touch of that disgusting filth, Oliver.

I reach for him and run my hands down his bare chest. Cupping his crotch, I rub his dick, which is hard. It twitches at my touch. Gio grabs my hands and moves them away from his cock.

“Angel, I can’t take you touching me that way. I’m trying to respect that you have been through a lot and keep my hands to myself tonight.”

“What if I don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself? What if I want you to fuck me and erase his touches from my skin? Make me forget. Before Carla showed up, one reason I believed her was because you haven’t touched me again since the first night we were together. I felt like you didn’t want me, so I assumed you had been sleeping with her.”

“Angel, you are my wife, my woman, mine! I would never disrespect you or our marriage by touching another woman. I don’t want anyone else. Can’t you tell that all I think about is you? I fucking stalked you for days. I drugged you and married you, for fuck’s sake. I haven’t exactly been subtle about my feelings for you.”

I move up into his space, wrapping my arms around his neck and running my hands through his hair. With the warmth coming off of his bare chest, I feel like melting into him.

Gio wraps his arms around me, pulling me until our bodies are touching.

I feel stupid for being so insecure about him not touching me.

“I didn’t know that. I don’t even remember our wedding.” Thinking about not being able to remember my wedding sends a wave of sadness over me.

“Everly, I was trying to be gentle with you. We will have a real wedding. I’m sure my mother and sister can’t wait to plan it with you.” Gio kisses me on the nose.

His assurance of us having a real wedding spurs me on.

“Don’t be gentle. I want you to fuck me like you want me. You said you are obsessed. Show me.”

“Are you sure? I won’t go easy on you. The things I want to do to you are depraved.”

“I don’t want you to go easy. I want you to show me how much you want me, to erase his touch from my skin and replace it with your obsession. I want to feel wanted.”

His eyes stare into mine, searching for something. Whatever he sees must assure him I won’t break if he touches me.

Grabbing me by the throat, he squeezes lightly. “No one will ever touch what’s mine again. You are also due a punishment for leaving me, Angel. Never again.”
