Page 32 of Gio's Possession

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Iwas confused when Everly mentioned her father being in the house. She also told me the asshole who was trying to rape her was named Oliver. I have so many questions, but I know her emotional state is fragile after all she has been through today, so I try to take it slow while getting the answers that I need. In order to protect her, I need to know what’s going on.

My mother has been blowing up my phone trying to ask about Everly. I’ve sent her a text that she needs to give us the rest of the night alone. She’s not happy with me, but I need to get my wife taken care of.

Everly tells me all about her home life and how her father sold her to his friend for sex to pay off his debt. How Oliver tried to rape her in her bedroom at home, and her father beat her for trying to protect herself and get away.

As my fists clench, they are white from the lack of blood flow. I want to destroy this piece of shit. Vehemence slides over me. How can a father treat his daughter with such contempt? When Everly and I have children, they will be treated with adoration. I will cherish our babies and my wife. I can’t wait to fill her with our kids.

She tells me that was when she ran from home and began sleeping in the alley and working in the bar that I found her in. I find out how she went hungry for days when she was at home with that fucker so he could have alcohol, buy pizza for his buddies, and gamble her hard-earned money away.

I am livid. The things that her father has put this poor woman through are abominable. Trying to reign in my temper and let Everly get it all out is a challenge.

When I hear that her father was the one who locked her in that room with the rapist and had other buyers coming to rape her, multiple men he had made deals with to share her, I can’t hold back anymore. I pick up the chair in the room’s corner and throw it into the window.

Glass shatters, raining down onto the floor of our bedroom.

I turn and see Everly go rigid. She fears me. “I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry. I will never hurt you, but I’m going to decimate your father for what he’s done to you. Do you understand me? He’s a dead man walking. Start planning that motherfucker’s funeral.”

Everly’s eyes fall to the floor. What she says next surprises me. “He won’t quit coming for me, Gio.”

She doesn’t beg me not to go after him and doesn’t defend him or try to save his life.

Wrapping her in my arms, I assure myself that she’s safe. “He will because I’m going to make sure he dies a slow, painful death.”

This seems to comfort her. I’m thankful that I won’t have to beg for her forgiveness after I torture Wesley Lawrence until I watch him take his last breath.

Holding her tight, I tell her I need to make some calls and ask her if she’s able to go to the kitchen and make us something quick to eat while I get the glass cleaned up.

She throws on comfortable clothes, assures me she’s okay to handle dinner, and leaves the room.

I call my men to come fix the window and clean up the mess that I made.

I send a group text to my father and Marcello.


Dad: She’s called Serena to come home, and she will be here any minute. I will try, but they both want to see that Everly is okay for themselves. Your sister wants to meet your wife. She’s coming home and is taking extended time off to stay home for a while.

Marcello: Baby sis is going to give you hell for not telling her you got married.??

Me: Don’t remind me.My mom is still pissed at me over it.I’m glad she’s coming home because Everly needs all the support she can get for what’s coming.

Me: We need to meet in the morning. Everly told me some things that we need to follow up on. The dead guy wasn’t the only one in that house with her. Her father was there, and he’s a fucking piece of shit.

Marcello: He hurt her?

Me: Yes

Dad: He’s dead! Send me his information, and we will find him.

I type out a text containing the information that Everly gave me on her father. His name, birthdate, address. Everything that we need to find him.

Marcello: As soon as you get me his information, I’m on it.

Me: When you find him, don’t kill him until I have time to talk to him.

Me: See you guys in the morning. I need to go take care of my wife. Dad, give Mom and Serena a hug for me and tell them I love them and we’ll see them tomorrow. Tonight, my wife and I need to be alone. Tomorrow, we need our family.

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