Page 42 of Gio's Possession

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As I come to, I try to remember where I’m at. Sweat is pouring off of my body, and the surrounding smell is full of unwashed bodies, sewage, and despair. My eyes feel like someone has thrown sand in them, scratchy and burning, while my head is throbbing. It’s dark, but I can see shadows around me. Noises of shuffling and crying fill the air. I sit up slowly as the lightheadedness passes, trying to figure out where I’m at. It’s obvious there are people all around me, but with no light, I can’t really tell much more.

A door opens, and light fills the room. I use that opportunity to look around. It’s some type of box-shaped room. The box is filled with human beings. Mostly women, some young men, even children. They are filthy, with bruises and scrapes covering their bodies. A young woman beside me leans over.

“Are you alright?” she asks.

Looking at her more closely, I notice she’s around my age, with dirty blonde hair. Pale skin and blue eyes. She would be beautiful if she were not in this situation. Her hair is matted and hasn’t been washed in days.

“Where am I?”

“You are in a shipping container. We were grabbed by Esposito’s men and are being shipped to Europe to be sold off like cattle,” she tells me with obvious disgust on her face.

“Esposito?” But then it comes to me. I was with Carla and my father. I’ve heard Gio and his dad talking about the Esposito family when they talked about business. They knocked me out, and this is where I woke up. Carla’s family must be in human trafficking. The sick bastards.

“We have to get out of here.”

The girl looks at me with sadness in her eyes. “We can’t. They have guards, and the containers stay locked until they come in or out.”

“What’s your name?” I ask the girl.

“Samirah. What’s yours?”

“I’m Everly. Why did they take you?”

“Why do they take anyone? I don’t know. One man wanted to rape me, but Old Man Esposito told him not to. It would ruin the premium price they get for virgins. He told them to go rape someone else. A tear falls down one side of Samirah’s face. They dragged a girl younger than me out of here and gang-raped her. The soldiers took turn after turn on her right outside the container. We could hear her screams.”

“Hey, that’s not your fault.” I reach over and grab onto her hand, trying to comfort her.

“They had a doctor examine us when we were first brought here to determine who was a virgin and who wasn’t. The girl had been with her high school boyfriend one time, and for that, she was gang-raped by these animals.” More tears fall down the girl’s face.

“Where is she now?” I ask.

“She grabbed the guard’s gun and shot herself in the head right in front of us. She said she couldn’t live after what they’d done to her.” Samirah’s face was overrun with guilt and tears.

The door opens again, and Carla walks in with my father and another man. She reaches down and grabs me by the hair. She’s got a scowl on her face.

“Get the fuck up, whore.”

I try to move with her to lessen the stinging to my scalp from her pulling my hair. It’s still dim, and people are packed into the small container, so I’m tripping, trying to keep up with Carla. She drags me out of the container, and the bright afternoon light burns my eyes.

“What are you doing with me?”

“We’ve got buyers for you in Europe. Your pretty face and tight cunt will bring a good amount of cash that’s going into your daddy’s pocket.”

“Giovanni will come for me, and he’s going to kill you both,” I say with bravado I don’t feel.

“He won’t find you because you are leaving with the next shipment, and once you are gone into the human trafficking world, you are gone. No one ever gets found after that. You wanted to spread your legs and lie on your back? Your wish is going to come true, probably not like you wanted, but we can’t all get what we want.” Carla laughs at her own joke.

This bitch is fucking deranged. Looking at my father, who is standing beside her with his gun on me, I try desperately to appeal to him.

“Mom would be so ashamed of you.”

“Don’t speak about your mother. She left us.” He scowls and looks away from me.

“She didn’t leave us. She died, you fool.” I can’t stop lashing out at him with anger at blaming my mother for dying. When no response comes, I try something different.

“Gio is rich. He would pay you, Dad. If you help me, I will make sure you get the money you want.” I would never have Giovanni pay money to this piece of shit, but I will say what I have to say to survive. If they put me on that ship in a shipping container, he may never find me again.

“I will not give you to that thug. You should have stayed at home and worked for me, and you wouldn’t be in this situation.”

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