Page 46 of Gio's Possession

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“Get into bed and rest while I go make us something to eat, and I will be right back.”

The whole time Gio is gone, I’m biting my nails and worried about what he’s going to say. Is he going to ask me to leave? Tell me he wants nothing to do with our baby? I don’t know what he’s waiting for. He could have just said it. The waiting is the worst part.

I don’t know where I would go, but worst of all, I can’t imagine life without him. I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with Giovanni Martenelli and his entire family.


Once the doctor left, I stalled for time by getting Everly comfortable and going to make us something quick for dinner. I know she gets mad when she finds out I’ve done things like the tattoo, kidnapping her, and marrying her. I really hope when I tell her what I did to get her pregnant that it won’t be the last straw. It won’t matter because I will tie her to the bed for the rest of our lives to stop her from leaving me, but I’d prefer if she would stay on her own. Either way, I’m not letting her go.

I make us a couple of sandwiches and cut up some fruit to add extra nutrients. I break out in a smile, just thinking about Everly having our child inside of her. She might be angry at me for a while, but it will have been worth it. We have a family now. I just have to make sure she understands that she’s mine and there is no other option for her. I will follow her into death. We will be together in this life and the next.

I know I’m obsessed, unhinged, and possibly psychotic when it comes to my beautiful wife, but do I care? No. I’ve embraced the madness. I’ve never felt like this about any woman before. She’s the first that mattered, and she will be my last. I can’t even contemplate touching another woman. The thought makes my skin crawl.

Carrying the food up to our room, I know it’s time to face the music. I’m ready for any fight that Everly puts up. If she thinks she can leave me, she’s in for a rude awakening. I will go to any lengths to keep her.

When I approach our room, I hear sniffling. Small whimpers. Entering the room, I see Everly sitting in bed, tears streaming down her face.

“Baby, what’s wrong? Are you okay? Hurting?”

“No, the pain is still there, but the meds are kicking in. It’s taken the edge off.”

Sniffling harder and gasping for air, she cries harder.

“Angel, what’s wrong? Are you that upset about having my baby?”

I get a sharp pain in my chest right where my heart should be. What if she doesn’t want to keep our baby? I can’t imagine losing either of them. Everly has to understand that we are going to go forward as a family. Setting the tray of food aside, I move in and wrap her in my arms.

“I’m scared. I have nowhere else to go. Now I have a baby to take care of when I can hardly take care of myself.”

“Everly, you aren’t going anywhere. You and this baby are staying right here where you belong.”

“I don’t want you to feel obligated. I know you didn’t want a baby, and I will figure this out on my own. Just give me a few days to find somewhere else to go, and I will get out of your hair.” Her eyes are directed down to look at the bedsheets as if she’s ashamed that she is pregnant.

I grab both sides of her face with my hands, holding her until our eyes lock. “You think I don’t want you because you are pregnant?”

“I know you told the doctor to give me the birth control shot, and it obviously didn’t work. I don’t want you to feel forced to raise a child that you didn’t want. I love you, Gio, but I won’t stay because you feel obligated to take care of me.”

“Angel, remember you love me when I tell you what I have to say next, and remember that I love you to the moon and back.” I’m getting nervous to see her reaction to my confession, but I tell myself no matter what, it’s going to work out. Everly doesn’t have a choice, and I will make sure she sees that if it takes the rest of our lives to get her to forgive me.

With a small nod, she waits for me to continue.

“I am ecstatic you are pregnant, Everly. I planned it. I bred you because I wanted you to be pregnant with my child. That shot that the doctor gave you wasn’t birth control. It was a fertility drug to ensure that you got pregnant as soon as possible.”

Everly draws in a large gasp of air. Her eyes are large and stunned. She’s shocked by what I told her. My little innocent angel didn’t suspect a thing. She has a lot to learn about how far I will go to tie her to me in every way.

“I knew when I first saw you that you were meant to be mine. I followed you home that night from work and saw you sleeping in the alley. I knew you needed me, and I needed you. You were always meant to be mine. I am over the moon that we are having a family together.”


After Gio’s confession, I sit silently. He waits for a couple of minutes; I guess waiting for me to respond. I don’t. I need to think this over.

He leans forward and places a soft kiss on my forehead before placing the tray of food in front of me.

“I love you, Everly, and I love this baby. I know what I did might not make sense to you, but I won’t apologize. I’m going to make some calls and give you some time to think about what I said.”

With that, he leaves the room, and I’m alone with my thoughts. As I pick at the food he brought me, I think about what just happened. On the one hand, I am overwhelmed with relief that this baby will have two parents who will love it. Gio will be a father to the child even if we aren’t together. He will not toss me out on the streets tonight. That provides me some relief. On the other, he did something reprehensible. He said no more secrets and no more lies, but he continued to lie to me.

I almost feel numb, and like my brain can’t decide whether to be angry, relieved, or flattered. It’s disturbing. I feel like every time I catch up with Gio, he yanks the rug from under me with his insane antics. How many more times am I going to allow him to dictate my life and take my choices away?

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