Page 48 of Gio's Possession

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Waking up the next morning, I feel like I haven’t slept a wink. That might be because Gio kept me awake all night with his dick-ma-tizing fuckfest. He thinks it will teach me a lesson about not sleeping in another room, but if that’s the punishment I get, then I will sleep in the other room every night. The man thinks his cock is a punishment when it’s God’s gift to womankind.

I’m sore in places that I have never been sore before. I also feel nauseous. When I open my eyes, Gio is spooning me and has his cock stuck inside. His morning wood is rigid and hard.

I’m hit with another wave of nausea, but this time, I jump from bed and run for the bathroom toilet, holding my hand over my mouth. It’s not a cute look when you have to dislodge yourself from your husband, who has his dick inside of you and is sleeping that way. I barely get my head over the toilet before bile shoots up my throat, and I vomit everything out of my stomach. I’m completely naked and hovering over the toilet when Gio comes in and holds my hair back.

“Leave. I don’t want you in here while I’m sick.”

“Baby, you are sick because of me.”

“Yeah, don’t remind me, asshole.” The motherfucker has the nerve to laugh when I say that.

I’m hit with more vomiting. Unable to argue with him and not caring that I am completely naked, in a very unappealing position, and smell like puke, I give up trying to get him to leave. Once I stop heaving, Gio wipes my face with a cold rag and hands me a toothbrush and toothpaste. Then he turns the shower on. Too exhausted to fight him, I allow him to wash me. I smell like him from being fucked all night, and I need a shower.

“Are we still not speaking?”

“What is there to say? You took my choices away, and nothing I say matters.”

He reaches up and holds my face in both hands, and looks directly into my eyes.

“You are all that matters to me, Angel. I am not sorry. I won’t regret what I did because I love you, and I love our baby already, but I am sorry that it hurt you.”

He kneels and kisses my belly.

“Daddy loves you already, baby.”

How can I stay mad at that? He’s a master manipulator, saying just the right thing, and it makes it hard to stay mad at him.

Getting out of the shower, we both grab the fluffy towels and dry off, getting dressed for the day.

“Angel, we need to talk. Put your anger at me aside for a minute. You know what has to happen today?”

Trying to think about everything that’s happened, I run through things in my head, trying to figure out what exactly he’s talking about. I feel like our life is moving at a record pace, and so many things are happening at once.

“I’m going to kill your father today, Everly.” He looks at me. So many things are reflected in his stare—worry, desire, longing. I give him a pass for the moment because it’s weighing heavily on him. He has to kill his wife’s father. He’s worried it will hurt me. This melts my anger at him because I can see he doesn’t want to hurt me. He’s worried about my feelings, at least concerning this.

“Promise you won’t hate me for what I’m going to do today. I need to know that when I come home, you won’t be gone. Your father has to die for what he did to you. If we don’t kill him, he will keep coming for you, and I can’t risk you or our baby’s safety for his bullshit. If he had gotten you on that boat, you might have been lost to me forever, and I can’t even think about that.”

Grabbing his face to get his attention and looking directly into his suspiciously watery eyes, I make sure he is listening. “He didn’t. We are fine. We are here with you where we belong.”

“I don’t want you to think I’m a monster. I am not a good man. I do terrible things, but I would do nothing to hurt you.”

Leaning in softly, placing my lips on his, “I know. I love you. You do what you have to do to Wesley. He’s not a father. He’s a threat to our baby, and anyone who is a threat to our family needs to die. You are not a monster. The man who tried to sell his daughter into sex trafficking is the monster.”

Then, another thought comes to me. “And when that whore Carla dies, I want to be the one to kill her.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely not. You aren’t getting near that vile cunt ever again. I want you here at home, safe. Promise me you won’t leave the house.”

He’s frantic, as if I were actually in danger. To appease him, I agree. He doesn’t need me adding to his stress, so I will let him win this round.

“Make it hurt. I want her to pay for selling those innocent women. She thought she was going to have your babies, and that pissed me off. You are mine just as much as I am yours.”

Giving me a nod, he takes my hand, and we walk downstairs to breakfast together.


Iknow, after all the chaos that happened yesterday, that my mother and sister won’t miss breakfast this morning. They are going to want to see that Everly is okay for themselves. I love how much they love her, but I would also like to have a meal with her alone at some point.

When we enter the kitchen, breakfast is in full swing, just as I suspected it would be. Everyone is here, including my father. Each member of my family passes Everly around, giving her hugs and letting her know they are here if she needs them. The last one of them to have her is Marcello, and seeing him wrap her in his arms makes me want to break his face. He seems to know it and is goading me because he pulls her in close and kisses her cheek as my fists clench and turn white from the thought of him touching her.

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