Page 49 of Gio's Possession

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“Get the fuck off of my wife, asshole. She’s mine, all mine.” I can’t stop the growl that leaves my body.

“Jeez, G. Chill. Your balls are in a knot this morning.” Rolling his eyes, he walks away with a chuckle.

We all move to the table where everyone has coffee. Everyone except my wife. Looking at the table my family has set, I know something is about to happen, and I’m not ready.

“I need to get my cup of coffee. They forgot.” Everly thinks her not having a mug is an oversite on my family’s part? My mother is the modern-day Martha Stewart and doesn’t make mistakes like that.

“They didn’t forget, Angel.” I try to warn her without coming out and saying what is going on, but she’s not catching on.

“We don’t have any decaf. I will pick some up at the grocery store later today,” my mother adds.

Rolling my eyes, “How’d you know?” I ask.

My father has the audacity to smile a huge grin but doesn’t answer.

“That fucking doctor told you, didn’t he?”

“I am the Don of this family, and he is required to tell me everything. Nothing goes on that I don’t know about.”

Grabbing Everly’s hand to comfort her, I encourage her to stay calm. “We would have told you, but I wanted my wife to process it first.”

I know that this is a questionable topic between Everly and me right now, with me forcing her to get pregnant without her knowledge. I wanted to give her time to accept it and deal with it before my family got involved, but it’s too late for that now.

Everyone is coming around the table, giving her hugs, patting me on the back, and giving us congratulations. The cat is definitely out of the bag. There’s no going back now.

Everly gives them all a shy smile and doesn’t tell anyone what I did. I am grateful because my mother will beat my ass for doing that to any woman, much less the one she loves, like a daughter. That being said, I won’t ever regret it.

Having a great family is a blessing most of the time and then there are times like these. Times when you just want them to stay out of your business and give you time to breathe. My parents are so over the moon about becoming grandparents they are practically bouncing off the walls, and Serena is no better. Even though it’s exhausting, it’s nice to know that love will always surround our baby. My family isn’t perfect, but I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

I use the fact that my family knows Everly is eating for two to my advantage and pull her over into my lap. I love feeding her. I enjoy taking care of her in every way. She doesn’t fight me on sitting with me, and she eats as I take a few bites in between hers. It makes it easier leaving my angel to go take care of work, knowing that she’s not here alone.

She has my mother and sister with her, and we’ve tripled the women’s security. Knowing that Carla’s father could attack at any time puts me on edge. If he has heard that we have his daughter and we’re holding her, he’ll try to get her back. It won’t save her, but I expect him to try.

Once we finish eating, I kiss my wife goodbye. I make sure she knows I love her and kiss her like it’s the last time I’ll see her. She might be okay with me killing her father, and I’m fine taking his life, but I don’t revel in causing her pain. No matter what Evely says, I know losing him will hurt her. Not because he’s worth the skin he’s in, but because she will never have the relationship she wanted with him. Any chance of that will die with him today.

Marcello, my father, and I head to the warehouse where I will end the lives of the two people who hurt Everly yesterday and could have hurt our baby. This will be the last time they threaten my family. Then we go to war with Mario Esposito. He has to be stopped. Selling human beings as if they are animals is an offense he won’t be walking away from. There won’t be room for retaliation because we will end his empire if I have to kill his entire bloodline to keep mine safe.


It blindsided me when we came down to breakfast this morning, and I didn’t get coffee like everyone else at the table. I also was naïve thinking it was accidental when it was really Gio’s mother letting us know they knew about the pregnancy. I should have known the stupid doctor on their payroll would open his big mouth to Aldo. Gio’s family is very supportive, and I couldn’t ask for a more loving family, so I’m not that upset about them knowing our secret. It would have been nice to have time for Gio and me to work things out and process it, but it’s not all bad. I know this baby will grow up with the family that I always dreamed of but never had. That’s more than enough to keep me happy.

Today, Gio will end my father’s life. I will not lie and say it doesn’t hurt. Before I knew we were having a baby, it was harder to let go of the idea of having a relationship with my dad. Now that I know he’s a threat to not just me but my child, it’s a lot easier. I will do whatever it takes to protect my baby, and that means my father’s life has to end.

Once the guys left for work, Valerie and Serena, still hyped from the baby news, are planning the nursery. We also still have a wedding to plan, and they even started online shopping, asking me what I like and what colors or themes I like. Since money is no object to them, they can buy anything and everything. They save some stuff for us to go into stores and buy just for the fun of it. I remind them twice that I’m very early in my pregnancy and maybe it’s too soon to buy anything. They brush it off, and it helps keep me occupied, which I think was their plan the entire time. I appreciate them trying to keep my mind off of what’s going on with Gio and my father.

Even with the insane cast of characters that have infiltrated my life, I feel safer and happier than I ever have. Gio is an obsessed psychopath, but he’s my obsessed psychopath, and he treats me like a queen. I can’t ask for anything more. Even though I don’t think he’s the clinical definition of one, I like to use the term when I yell at him. It serves its purpose, and when I think about it, it’s pretty funny what a cinnamon roll the man is for me. He is not gooey and sweet to people outside of his family otherwise. It makes him sound pretty nuts. Yeah, psychopath is a good term for him, even if it’s not a medically accurate term.

I’m still angry with Gio for tampering with the supposed birth control shot and having the doctor give me fertility drugs instead. That’s fucked up. I put that aside because there is too much going on, and I have to pick my battles. I am not mad that I’m pregnant or that he wanted a baby so badly. It’s that he was dishonest and manipulated me again.

Even with no doubt his methods are questionable, I know Gio will be a good father to our baby. He is so overprotective, and I really believe he wants to give me the world. Is he over the top? Very. I still believe he will go over and beyond to love and protect his child. Gio loves his family. He learned to value them from his parents, and Aldo and Valerie Martinelli put their family first. They might be a murdering criminal family, but they are the best people I’ve ever met. I would much rather my child have them as grandparents than people I grew up around in my father’s home.

Marcello is still creepy, but he’s loyal and so funny. He will make a great uncle to my baby, and if anyone dares look at them wrong, he will put their eyeballs in a mason jar. I can live with knowing my child has a protector in him. He has gone over and beyond for me even before I knew Gio was stalking me, and for that, I will always be in his debt. I don’t know how to say someone like Marcello is a good person. I mean, the man gave me a jar with body parts in it as a gift. I do wholeheartedly believe if Marcello cares about you, he loves you with his whole heart. The man is an enigma. I know most of his loyalty is to Gio, and that’s why he has helped protect me, but I see his relationship with Aldo and Valerie, whom he treats like they are his parents. I also see how much he loves Serena.

Serena has become my best friend. She wants nothing to do with the mafia lifestyle, yet she thrives on it. It’s like she was born to be a mafia princess. I hope she moves back here and lives near us; otherwise, I am going to miss her when she goes home. With the pregnancy announcement, I think between Valerie and me, we have her nearly convinced. Time will tell for sure, but I know she’s excited to become an aunt, and she loves her family. Now she has me here as well. I am going to keep giving her reasons to move back home so she can be closer to us all. Her brother will be happier to have her close and know that she’s safe.

I have let go of my anger about the birth control swap. The lying and withholding information was not the right way to go about it, but I genuinely think that Gio loves me. He fell hard and fast. I’ve always dreamed of someone looking at me as if I hung the moon, and after thinking about it, I’ve realized I finally have that with Gio. Our marriage didn’t come about the conventional way, but I love him. I don’t want to fight it anymore. I just want to be happy, and I want to make him happy. He is a good man even if he does bad things.

