Page 51 of Gio's Possession

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“Go ahead, Son. I just came to watch the show.”

“Wesley, did you know one of the torture methods that has been used for hundreds of years was death by rats? Marcello loves his pet rats. The big one is named Truffles. Truffles loves to eat human flesh. See, my friend, Mar, he likes to let his pets eat our victims from the inside out.”

With that, I lower the scalpel to Wesley’s abdomen. I cut a slit big enough for Truffles but not large enough for Wesley to bleed out quickly.

“Marcello, bring Truffles over to eat his dinner,” I instruct.

“What the fuck are you doing to me? You people are sick fucks.” Wesley screams in terror. He’s frantic and apparently has a big fear of rats. I’m not a fan myself, and that’s why I let Marcello handle it.

Part of the torture is me telling him what I’m going to do to him before I do it. His imagination is probably worse than reality, although, in his situation, it’s pretty bad.

Marcello places his pet rat near the slit in Everly’s father’s stomach. He places a metal pot over Truffles and the slit. Holding a blowtorch to the pot to heat it up, the rat enters the slit I cut. Truffles wants to avoid the heat and this forces him to enter the body. He will chew through and eat Wesley’s intestines from the inside out, and ultimately, that would end in death. But while Truffles does his job, I continue to do mine.

“I want you to know, Mr. Lawrence, that your daughter is going to be safe and happy with me. I’m going to give her the world, and she will never want for anything. She will live in a mansion, have the best clothes money can buy, and will always have millions of dollars in her bank account. Too bad you were willing to sell her out for a dollar when, if you had been a good father, we would have given you the best that life could offer. You made the wrong choice. At least you can die knowing Everly is going to have a great life.”

He’s screaming and thrashing now to the point it’s hard to talk over him, so I allow him time to adjust to the rat’s movements and chewing on his insides. I’m not a monster, after all.

Smirking at my own thoughts, I make a few more cuts to Wesley’s arms, legs, and torso. Making sure not to cut too deep because I don’t want him to die a quick death. Then I douse him with salt water to make it burn. Some vodka because we wouldn’t want his wounds to become infected. I get the liquids on the acid burns as well. “Always want to be thorough when avoiding infection.” This makes me chuckle to myself.

My father, my best friend, and I sit back and get comfortable. This will take a few hours, and I will keep adding salt and vodka to his wounds. When he passes out, we wake him up. When his heart finally stops, we inject him with a drug that restarts it. We continue this until Wesley Lawrence no longer exists. He is bleeding internally.

Marcello gets Truffles, bathes the blood off of him, and places him back in his cage. “No animals are harmed during this presentation,” he mimics, laughing to himself.

There is a drain on the floor, and our clean-up team hoses down the room that is covered in my father-in-law’s blood. They will deliver his body to the compound of Mario Esposito. His daughter, Carla, and Wesley Lawrence will set an example for anyone who thinks to mess with what is mine. It will also serve as a warning to Mario. He will know we are coming for him and anyone involved in his sex trafficking business.

I’m covered in blood and don’t want to traumatize my pregnant wife, so I use the shower we added to the building and have our men burn my clothes. On the way home, I stop at the jewelry store because it’s long overdue. My father and Marcello are there to help ensure I don’t get the ugliest ring they offer this time. Everly was right. The other ring was a monstrosity and not her style. She doesn’t want the biggest diamond. She wants a symbol of my love. This time, I’m going to get it right.

My perfect angel is my everything, my world. She owns me—mind, body, and soul. I am determined to do whatever it takes to give her the best life possible. She’s giving me the gift of a son or daughter, and nothing will ever top that. I won’t let it stop me from trying, though. I need to make this marriage proposal flawless.


When Gio comes home that night, he’s in different clothes than when he left this morning. I know that means he’s showered. If I didn’t know better, that would be a red flag. A man going to work and coming home freshly showered would be a sure sign of cheating on most wives. My husband hasn’t been cheating. He’s been killing my father.

Just thinking about what he did to him sends chills down my spine. I can’t even imagine, and I don’t want to. Whatever Gio did, my father deserved. He wouldn’t quit coming for me, and that meant he had to die. I didn’t want it to end this way, but he left us with no choice.

I’m curled up on the sofa reading a smutty romance novel when he comes over and picks me up. “Did you eat dinner?”

“Yes, your mother cooked and put you a plate in the oven.”

“I’m hungry, but not for food.”

Carrying me up to our room, he sets me down on the floor and pulls his suit jacket off, folding and laying it neatly on the chair. He takes something from the interior pocket and comes to me, kneeling on the floor beneath my feet.

“Baby, you are already my wife, but I want to give you all the things you didn’t get the first time around. I want you to have a ring that you are proud to wear and the wedding of your dreams. But most of all, I want you to have the best life that I can give you and our child.”

Then he stops speaking, stays kneeling, and opens the velvet ring box, showing me a beautiful but simple solitaire diamond ring in a princess cut. I expect he has more to say since he hasn’t asked me the question yet, but he doesn’t follow it up with anything.


“And what, Angel?”

“Aren’t you going to ask me a question, Gio?”

“Fuck no. That would give you the impression that you have a choice.”

He takes the ring out of the box and slips it on my finger. “Now kiss me so I can fuck my wife.”

“So bossy, husband.” I roll my eyes, but there is no anger in my voice. He’s ridiculous, but he’s my husband, and he loves me. I love him more than life itself, so there really isn’t a choice for me. I can’t imagine living a day without him by my side.
