Page 50 of Gio's Possession

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Imake my way to the warehouse, where I know Marcello has already set up a workspace. He excels in torturing his victims. The man is scary as fuck and really smart. He enjoys the suffering and pain but, under my father, he has learned to channel it to people who deserve his wrath.

When I enter the room in the warehouse where Carla and Wesley are being held, the rancid odor hits my nose immediately. It smells of copper and ammonia. Marcello has already executed the Esposito soldiers who were found at the shipping yard when we rescued Everly. Marcello likes to play with his food, and he’s into theatrics. The more dramatic, the better. Carla is hanging from chains. She hasn’t been touched. We don’t torture women, and even though she has to die as she’s a threat to my wife, I don’t revel in killing a woman. Part of her punishment was watching as her soldiers died, knowing her turn was coming.

Wesley is lying spread out on a metal table with no clothes on. He’s strapped down at his ankles and his wrists and cannot move. He can turn his head, and that’s the most he can do.

As soon as I enter, Carla begs for her life.

“Gio, I love you. Let me go. This fucking lunatic is going to kill me.”

“Shut the fuck up, Carla. You have the nerve to beg me to let you go after you were going to sell my wife into sex slavery? You should be glad we don’t rape or torture women here because your death would be a lot more painful if we did.”

“I don’t understand. We could have had it all. Why would you choose that ugly bitch over me? I’m perfect, rich, and powerful.”

“No, cunt, you are vile, shallow, evil, and you make my stomach turn. You were never an option for me. Everly is everything that you are not. Sweet, loving, innocent. I’ll see you in hell, Carla.”

Tired of hearing her jibber jabber, I raise my Glock, aim, and fire. A hole appears right between her eyes, and finally she shuts up. She would never stop coming for my wife, and I couldn’t allow her to hurt anyone else I love. With a baby on the way, I’m not willing to risk it.

Turning to Wesley, who has looked over at Carla’s dead body, he’s whimpering. Snot running down his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. He’s laid here all night and known this was coming. I wanted him to know what was going to happen and for it to torture him for hours. The waiting was probably the worst part.

Marcello has set up a table with tools and a couple of apparatuses he even built himself to make our victims’ deaths more painful. We like to send a message. In our world, if you aren’t cruel, they see you as weak, and weakness can be a death sentence. We can’t afford to be seen as weak.

“Wesley Lawrence. I guess I should say nice to meet you, father-in-law, but that would be a lie. You thought you could take Everly away from me. No one takes her from me, and anyone who gets between us will die at my hands. Not only did you try to take her away from me, you were willing to sentence your own flesh and blood to a life of misery and pain, all for money.”

Walking over to the table, I pick up the cattle prod and walk toward Everly’s sniveling father. “Do you know what kind of life she would have been sentenced to if she had been sold into the sex trafficking industry? They would have raped her daily for the rest of her life. Beaten, abused, tortured, possibly drugged, and addicted to substances you can’t imagine until her body couldn’t function without them.” Just the thought of that happening to my beautiful girl fuels my rage to make her father pay.

He thrashes his head from side to side as if to tell me no, but he’s not saying no to that being what Everly would have endured. No. He’s still worried only about himself. He’s saying no to me. Begging and pleading for me not to hurt him. Little does he know he’s going to get off easier than I like. I won’t draw this out for days or weeks like he deserves. That would keep the wounds open and fresh and stop Everly’s heart from healing. I will let him die today, but I won’t make it painless. He will endure torture and pain that he can’t even imagine.

I place the cattle prod on his shriveled-up balls next to his flaccid cock. I start off on medium because I want to draw this out as long as possible. Wesley screams like the sniveling little bitch that he is. I stop and start shocking his balls again. We go through this cycle a few times. Each time, I turn the prod up higher so that it causes more pain.

“That’s not a fraction of the pain that your daughter would have endured at the hands of rapists and abusers. Take your punishment like a man and stop your whining.

“Did you know congratulations are in order, DAD?” Wesley looks at me in confusion. “You are going to be a grandfather. That’s right, my beautiful wife is pregnant. We are expecting our first child.”

The stupid fucker has the nerve to open his mouth. “Of course, my whore daughter opened her legs for you but wasn’t willing to help her father out of a bind. She’s always been a disappointment.”

“You really think now is the time to be stupid, Wes?”

“You are going to kill me either way. I’ve heard about you. You and your family are nothing but criminals and garbage.”

“That’s rich coming from a man who tried to have his daughter raped and then tried to sell her.” Looking over at Marcello, who is rolling his eyes and looks pretty pissed off at Wesley’s ramblings, I stick the prod to Wesley’s shriveled nuts again. He lets out a scream and a grunt.

“I wouldn’t piss him off more than he already is, genius,” adds Marcello.

“Everly must get her brains from her mom because this guy is dumb as a box of frogs,” he snorts out a laugh.

I put on some protective gear, gloves, and an apron. They are made of a rubber that is resistant to acids. Taking a small dropper bottle of hydrochloric acid, I add a drop to Wesley’s fingernails. Slowly, one drop at a time to each finger. The bottle is the size of an eye drop bottle, and we only use a tiny drop at a time, but the acid is strong enough that it melts his fingernails off and breaks down the flesh underneath. I place one small drop on each nail slowly and meticulously. He’s screaming, and by the time I get to his toenails, he passes out from the pain. The room smells of burning flesh and ammonia, and Wesley has pissed on himself again from the pain.

I just got started. I don’t think he was prepared for the amount of effort that I’m going to put into his death. When I think about what Everly’s life would have been like had he succeeded, it reignites my need to make him suffer.

Marcello gives Wesley a shot of a drug meant to wake him up. We also have drugs to restart his heart for when the time comes. I’m not planning to let him die easily.


Once Wesley is conscious again, I change tactics. Picking up a surgical scalpel, I slowly move toward him. He’s thrashing back and forth, begging and pleading for mercy. It doesn’t phase me. He was willing to sell my wife and, unbeknownst to him, my unborn child. There is no mercy. I notice over in the corner that my father has arrived. He watches the show and has seen me in action before. I learned everything I know about torture from Aldo himself. He might be a family man, but to others, he’s a cruel mafia kingpin.

Wesley notices my father over in the corner and cries like a baby, begging for him to help him. My father’s lips turn up in a snarl of disgust.

“You think I would help you after you tried to hurt my daughter-in-law?” My father leans over the table so that his face is hovering over Wesley’s and spits in his face. If my son weren’t going to kill you, I would do it myself. Everly and my grandchild will never have to live in fear of you coming after them. This will be your last day on this earth.”
