Page 53 of Gio's Possession

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“I need you to move, Gio.”

The pain has passed, and now it’s all pleasure. So much ecstasy that I can’t see straight. I never expected anal to feel this amazing.

“Baby, you have given me the best gifts. Given me your body, given me a baby; nothing will ever come between us. I want you by my side all the time.”

He thrusts harder, and his breathing is picking up. We are panting. Our skin is slippery with sweat and slapping together. He reaches around, rubbing my clit again, and I feel my body tighten. He pushes his two fingers inside of my battered, wet pussy. As he thrusts into both holes at once, it hits me with the biggest blinding release of my life, with no warning. My whole body goes limp. His dick jerks inside of me, and I feel him filling my ass with spurts of his hot cum. He lays my body down gently. He leans over, kissing my forehead gently. I can’t move. I’m boneless, but in a dream state where I’m so high from pleasure I can’t function. As I lie staring up at the ceiling, I can’t even speak. I’ve never felt like this before. Like I’m floating.

Gio goes into the bathroom, and I hear water running. Coming back to bed, he cleans me up with a warm washcloth. He returns it to the hamper and crawls into bed beside me. Holding me tight, he whispers in my ear,

“I love you, Everly. More than life.”


We gather our men and meet at my father’s office. Today is the day that Mario Esposito dies. I can’t believe he was selling human beings right beneath our noses, and I was almost married into that family. I would have slaughtered them all, just like we are doing now. It wouldn’t have mattered that I was married to their daughter. Thank god that didn’t happen. I can’t imagine my life with that despicable woman.

Laying out a plan to storm the Esposito compound, we give detailed instructions to each group of men. I have insiders who have informed me he’s in his office as we speak. We have some of his guards on our payroll giving us information, and that doesn’t bode well for Mario or his people. He has earned no loyalty from his people. That comes from him mistreating them over the years. His rogue men even drew up maps so we know exactly where to go when we get to the compound.

As we roll up to the gate, the guard we’ve paid off turns to his partner and shoots him in the face. Opening the gate and allowing us to enter, he follows us in to fight for our side. My father has always instilled loyalty in our people. Not doing so could be our death sentence, and unfortunately for Mario, he never learned that lesson. He will today.

Storming through the compound, I shoot any man who draws a weapon on us. When I get to Mario’s office, I kick the door in. The cracking of the wood and the sounds of weapons being fired down the halls add to my dramatic entrance. I have instructed our men to shoot anyone who is a threat to us. Mario is mine.

The older man with graying hair sits behind his desk. Mario is a heavy-set man, and the alcohol and cigars have aged him past his years. As I burst into the room, he casually raises his glass of brown liquor and ice to his lips. He’s drinking as if we are sitting and relaxing and not that I’m coming to kill him.

“I knew you were coming. When I found my daughter’s body on my doorstep, I knew you would be here.”

“She tried to sell my wife. She deserved to die, just as you do.”

“I told her to let the arrangement of your marriage go, but Carla had loved you since she was a teenager. She wouldn’t listen.”

“Mario, I never led your daughter on. I never dated her or gave her any inclination that I was interested in her romantically.”

“You didn’t need to, Gio. When Carla decided she wanted something, nothing would stop her.”

“How could you sell human beings? Why?” I want to understand what drove him to this point. He didn’t need the money. Mario is richer than God. Greed has taken over.

“It was more money than I could make doing anything else. People will pay millions of dollars for a pretty virgin. I didn’t need the money, but the power it gave me I enjoyed far too much to pass up.”

“Mario, you had fucking kids in that container. How the fuck could you sell little kids to pedophiles?”

He shrugs and snorts as if selling kids is no big deal to him.

“Don’t stand on your high horse and judge me. We all do things for money that are wrong. You and your father are no better than I am.”

“We don’t fucking sell little kids, you piece of shit. There is no amount of money worth that.” My voice has escalated. Anger vibrates through my body. I didn’t expect to see remorse from Mario, but I didn’t think he would be this honest and repugnant, either.

“You are going to join your daughter in hell. We won’t allow you to sell human beings in our city.”

“I might die today, but there will be more who take my place. You won’t stop trafficking.”

I notice him easing his empty hand down to his lap while he raises his liquor to his lips with the other. He jerks his hand up, and in it, he has a handgun pointed at me. I hear a gun go off behind me. Turning to look, I see my father standing with his Glock pulled. Turning back to Mario, he has a hole in his forehead. The glass he was holding falls to the desk, shattering. His face falls forward, lying across his desk. He’s dead.

Mario’s men are given the choice to pledge their loyalty to our family. If they choose not to, then they have to die. We can’t allow our enemies to roam the streets, waiting for them to come back for revenge. If they show any signs of being disloyal, they have to die. We watch them closely, give them a chance to be treated with respect, and if they choose wrong, then we dispose of them.

I meet with my father in his office that afternoon, where he informs me he’s ready. He’s stepping down and handing me all the business.

“You are ready, Son. Your mother and I want to travel and spend time with our grandbaby when it gets here. I told you I wanted you to have a family, and you’ve done that. I was wrong about trying to get you to marry Carla, and I’m man enough to admit, had I not tried to pressure you, she might not have been so bold.

“I’m glad you chose Everly. She’s the right woman for you, and she’s going to make a great mother for my grandchildren.” He walks up to me and pats my back. It means a lot to have my dad’s approval.
