Page 54 of Gio's Possession

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Over the last few months, Gio and I have gotten closer than I ever thought two people could. He’s even more protective and obsessed with me now that I’m pregnant. He’s constantly trying to feed me and take care of me.

The morning sickness has finally gotten better. I’m well into my second trimester, but I barely have a tiny bump on my belly. He loves to lie in bed at night, rub it, and talk to the baby. It’s adorable to see a big, bad mafia Don talk to my belly. My ovaries feel like they will explode some days. I have never known happiness like this before.

Once Gio had taken out the threats from Carla’s family, I was allowed more freedom. I still have to travel with guards, but I can come and go when I want to as long as I take them with me.

Valerie, Serena, and I planned the wedding. Dress fittings, cake tastings, and menu planning have all been exhausting but fun. Having other women who I can talk to and spend time with has been great. The dress fittings are challenging with my ever-changing body.

We’ve also been designing the nursery. Nothing permanent until we know what sex the baby is. Gio and I are going to get a sonogram today, and hopefully, we can find out. We’ve decided to find a new obstetrician so Dr. Bianchi will not be finding out our baby’s gender and telling our family before we are ready. Gio also made me find a female doctor because he didn’t want another man putting his hands on what was his. Rolling my eyes and smirking, remembering his reaction, I can’t help but think it’s funny. I should be horrified at his possessiveness, but I love it. I love that he is so obsessed with me.

Some of the things he’s done were shocking at first, like placing a tracker inside of me. I had a hard time forgiving him for doing it but then my mind was changed after being locked in a shipping container to be sold. Without the tracking device, Gio might not have found me in time. Not only me but all of the people that were being sold that day were saved because he was able to track my location. That saved my life more than once, so we’ve agreed I would keep it. My husband will always have enemies, and there is a possibility that they will come after me again.

We had the wedding at Gio’s parents’ house. It was supposed to be on the smaller side because I didn’t have anyone to invite. Gio’s family has lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles, and also his men and their families. When I say small, I mean at least one hundred people. That’s small to a mafia family the size of the Martinelli’s. It’s huge to me, but I got to dress in a beautiful dress and walk toward my loving husband. That’s all I cared about.

Aldo walked me down the aisle. He has been more of a father to me than Wesley ever was. I felt honored that he asked me if I would like him to do it. Serena was my maid of honor. She’s my best friend in the world, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. She’s extended her visit home but still hasn’t decided for sure if she’s staying or going. She wants to wait until the baby is born and spend some time helping me while I recover. The whole family is hoping she will decide to move here permanently.


Today is Everly’s doctor’s appointment. She’s going to get her checkup and a sonogram. The doctor said it was possible we could see what the sex of our baby was today. I’m so excited; I’m vibrating with energy. I keep checking the time all day as the hours seem to crawl by.

We changed doctors so our family wouldn’t be given Everly’s private health information before we were ready to give it to them. I also didn’t want a male doctor touching my wife. Every time I saw Dr. Bianchi put his grubby hands on Everly’s skin, I wanted to chop them off. He was old and uninterested in my wife, always acting professionally, but I couldn’t help my feelings. The man never stepped out of line and didn’t deserve his hands being chopped off, so it was for the best that she found a female doctor.

When the nurse calls us back to the room, Everly gets up on the table. They check her vital signs, send her to the restroom to give a urine sample, and talk to her for a bit. Once all of that is complete, a petite woman in her thirties comes into the room. She has pretty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She’s got a sweet smile. I had her thoroughly vetted before allowing my wife to see her, of course.

“Hello, my name is Dr. Karen Simmons. I’m the head of Obstetrics here at the hospital. Dr. Bianchi sent your previous records over. All of your tests and blood work look great so far. Are there any concerns or questions that you have?”

Both Everly and I assure her there isn’t, and she instructs her to lie back on the table. Pulling a big monitor over closer to the table with some attachments, the doctor turns on the screen.

“Let’s pull these pants down below your waist so we can take a look at your baby.”

I stand beside Everly, holding her hand. The doctor puts some gel substance on her belly and starts to move the wand around her belly. We hear a swoosh swoosh sound.

“That’s your baby’s heartbeat.”

That sound is amazing. To think that a little tiny person is inside of my wife. Half her, half me. With a tiny heartbeat. It’s astonishing. I’m so infatuated with pregnancy that I have read every book I can get my hands on. I have a whole stack of pregnancy books on my bedside table, and I read every night before bed.

The doctor points out different parts of the baby. A hand, foot, and then I see the little face. The baby looks like a tiny alien. Most of the screen is black and white splotches, and I can only make out the shapes of things when Dr. Simmons points them out.

“Your baby’s heart rate is nice and strong, and all of the measurements are within normal limits for the gestational period. Would you like to know the sex of the baby?”

“Yes, please.” Everly sniffles as she answers the doctor. We spoke about it before coming in today and decided to find out if the baby was a girl or boy if the doctor could tell.

As I look down on my precious wife, a tear streams down her cheek. I wipe her face with my hands, kissing her on the forehead. I know these are happy tears, and my eyes are feeling watery. The anticipation is making my heart pound.

I don’t mind if this baby is a girl or a boy. The important part is that my wife and child are healthy. We will have lots of babies, so if we have a girl first, we will have sons later and vice versa. I plan on keeping Everly pregnant for years to come.

“Congratulations, you are going to have a baby girl,” the doctor announces.

My eyes are watering, and my nose burns. I’m not going to cry like a little bitch.

“Gio, are you alright?” Everly asks.

“I’m good, baby. Just got something in my eye,” I lie.

Giggling, Everly allows me to get away with the lie.

“We are having a little girl, Gio. Oh my god. A daughter.”
