Page 22 of Brett

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“Which way, darlin’?”

JoJo pointed toward the road.

“Take a left out of here. This is a nice SUV.”

“I like it. I drive my pickup most of the time.”

They rode in silence, but it was comfortable. He didn’t feel pressured to make conversation.

“Turn right on the next road, then the first left.”

He nodded and followed her directions. He had trouble finding a parking place when he pulled into the parking lot. Luckily, he saw a truck backing out, so he waited, drove into the spot, and turned the SUV off.

“I can smell the food from here, and it smells fantastic,” he said.

She laughed. “Wait until you have to decide on what to get.”

Brett chuckled, and he saw her reach for the door handle.

“I’ll get it. Sit tight.”

“All right.”

He stepped from the vehicle, strolled to the passenger side, opened the door, and put his hand out for her. She turned on the seat to face him, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“You’re so beautiful, JoJo,” he murmured.

“Thank you, and you are very handsome.”

He grinned as she moved to get out, and he stepped back. Then pushed the door closed and led her to the restaurant’s doors.

Once inside, Brett glanced around. It looked like a great place.

“Hello. Do you have a reservation?” The young woman behind the podium smiled at him.

“Yes.” Brett frowned and glanced at JoJo.

“For Flynn.”

The hostess picked up two menus and motioned for them to follow them. Brett noticed she kept sneaking looks in his direction as she led them to a booth, set the menus on the table, and waited for them to sit.

“Your server will be right with you. What would you like to drink?”


“Sweet tea, please.”

“Same for me, please.”

“I’ll be right back with those.”

Brett looked across the table. “Do you come here a lot?”

“Maybe once or twice a month.”

“I see.”Who had she been here with?

The hostess returned and set their drinks on the table.
