Page 96 of Brett

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“No.” JoJo turned to face her. “He’s out there, though.”

“That’s just fucking creepy.”

“Yeah, it is. Now I know how Kelsey felt.”

“And Ryder protected her, just as Brett is protecting you.”

“I know he will.”

“You should move in with him. Officially.”

“I thought about it, but I’m not ready yet. We’re going to dinner in Hartland and then Dewey’s tonight.”

“A night out sounds so good.”

“Join us.”

“Nevada is working the night shift. One of the other deputies is out of town for a funeral.”

JoJo grinned. “That’s the bad thing about a small-town sheriff’s department.”

“Yes. There are only four deputies and Sam.”

“Did you tell Nevada about Rich?”

Courtney sighed. “I did, but he said law enforcement can’t do anything unless he does something.”

JoJo nodded. “I figured that. Maybe he’s gone. For a while, at least.”

“I hope he’s gone for good.”

The door opened, and customers entered, so JoJo and Courtney returned to work. The day passed quickly, and soon, JoJo was driving home to Brett.

She smiled, thinking about him. He could make her laugh so hard she’d cry. He could also piss her off like no one else.

That’s what it was all about, in her opinion. It can’t all be sunshine and rainbows. There have to be minor problems to get through. Arguments happen.

She drove to the porch, parked, then entered the house. She didn’t see Brett anywhere. It was their date night, and he should be home.

“Brett?” she called for him as she removed her hat, coat, and gloves and placed them on the bench.

Frowning, she headed for the living room, but still didn’t see him.

“Brett?” She removed her cellphone from her pocket and called him.


“Where are you?”

“In the barn. Are you home? Damn, I didn’t know it was that late. I need to grab a shower.”

“So do I.”

“I’m on my way.”

She smiled when she disconnected. She headed for the bedroom, pulling her T-shirt from her jeans.

