Page 97 of Brett

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Brett glanced around as they sat in the Hartland Restaurant. It was crowded, but he could understand why because the food was fantastic.

He picked up his beer mug, took a sip, and looked across the table at JoJo. She picked up her wineglass and looked around. He watched a big smile lift her lips as she looked across the room. She took his breath away.

Brett glanced over his shoulder to see her brother, Liam, sitting at a table with a woman. Brett watched Liam say something to the woman, stand, and head their way. Brett grinned as he got to his feet.

“Brett, it’s nice to see you again,” Liam said as he held his hand out for him to shake.

“You too, Liam.” They shook hands.

“Hey, sis.”

“Hey. Uh, who is that?” JoJo asked.

“Melody. Monica and I broke up.”

“Oh, no. Are you okay?”


“Well, we’re going to talk soon.” JoJo sat back in the chair and folded her arms.

Brett did his best not to laugh when Liam rolled his eyes.

“I’d better get back. We’re leaving in a few minutes to see a movie.”

“You could go to Dewey’s with us.”

“Maybe next time, sis. I promised her dinner and a movie.”

“Have fun.” JoJo smiled.

“Enjoy your evening, Liam.” Brett shook his hand again.

“You too.”

Brett resumed his seat and looked at JoJo to see her frowning as she looked in Liam’s direction.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m just wondering what happened with Monica.”

“I’m sure you’ll get it out of him.”

“Yes, I will. I have my ways.”

Brett laughed. “Remind me never to piss you off.”

JoJo grinned. “That would be wise. Even though, at times, you do.”

Brett laughed and shook his head, wondering what he had gotten into with this woman. He grinned as he realized how much he wanted to find out.


After dinner, JoJo stood to put her coat on and smiled when Brett held it for her. He was such a gentleman. He picked up his coat and hat, put the jacket on, took her hand, and led her out the door.

Once outside, he placed his hat on his head, and they walked across the parking lot to his truck. He aimed the fob at it, making the lights flash and the horn beep.

Brett opened the door for her, and she climbed into the cab. She smiled when he kissed her lips, shoved the door closed, and walked to the driver’s door.
