Page 43 of Alex

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“I didn’t say I…spentthe night with him. Zoey and I stayed there because it snowed after we arrived. Alex thought it was best if we didn’t try to drive in it.”

When her mother didn’t say anything, Dylan looked at her to see her holding her coffee cup in front of her mouth and she was sure it was to hide a grin. She never could hide anything from her mother.

“I can understand him not wanting you to drive in the snow, but what were you doing there to begin with?” LeeAnn shook her head. “You know what? It’s none of my business. You’re a grown woman and can make your own decisions. I just hope the next man treats you and Zoey better than Travis Martin ever did.”

“Anyone would treat me better than he did. I like Alex. I really do, but it scares me to get involved with him. Heck, with any man.”

“So, not just a cowboy?”

“Not really, but I do know how badly I’ve been treated by them.”

“But Marlowe is very happy with her cowboy. You could be too. I think it’s a lost cause for Peyton. After growing up with the way Tim treated Natalie, and then Peyton marries the same type of man…” LeeAnn shook her head. “I can’t see her settling down with a cowboy ever again. I’ve never seen a more determined woman than her. If she falls in love again, I’d be shocked if it was with a cowboy. I don’t think she’d give them the time of day.”

Dylan sighed. “I know. I would love to see her find a good man.”

“And don’t you deserve one, Dylan?”

“I do, Mom, but I have to think of Zoey too. We’re a package deal.”

“Yes, you are. A good man will love you both.” LeeAnn finished her coffee, carried the cup to the sink, rinsed it, and set it down. “Zoey, honey, let’s go. I still have to stop in town to pick up a few things.”

“Do not pick her up a few things,” Dylan growled, but laughed when LeeAnn did.


“Yeah, right. You two have fun this weekend.”

“Are you doing anything? Besides tonight with the girls, I mean.”

“I’m having dinner with Alex here tomorrow night.”

“Mama! I want to stay here. Alex can bring Peaches.”

“No, he won’t. Not this time. You go stay with Nana. Alex can come to dinner again and bring Peaches the next time.”

“’Kay, Mama.”

Dylan looked at her mother to see her staring at her.


“Nothing. I’m glad you’re having dinner with him, and I’m sure breakfast will be wonderful.”

When Dylan gasped, LeeAnn laughed.


“What? You’re a healthy, beautiful, young woman. Go for it.” LeeAnn tilted her head. “Or did you, already?”

“I’m not answering that.”

LeeAnn laughed. “You just did. Honey, I want you to be happy. If Alex makes you happy then maybe, you need to forget for a minute that he is a cowboy and just see him as a good man. Most cowboys are. Sure, there are some out there who only care about themselves, but that can be any man, not just a cowboy. You, Marlowe, and Peyton just got in with the wrong ones. You look around this town, Hartland, and Spring City, and you tell me there are no good cowboys.”

Dylan shook her head and sighed. “I know you’re right. Even Peyton and Marlowe have said the same thing, but it just seems that’s all we attract. Except now, Marlowe is happy with her cowboy. Hank is a wonderful man, and he adores her. He’d never hurt her. I’m happy for her, but I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

“Let me tell you something, Dylan Marie, don’t think about it too long because if Alex is a good man, some woman will snap him up in no time. Do you want that?”

“No. I don’t, but I’m so scared to go through it again.”
