Page 44 of Alex

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“Then don’t. Dylan, see him. You know the signs. If he shows that he’s at all like Travis, then get the hell away from him. It’s that simple. If you get out before you fall, you’ll be fine.”

Dylan nodded. “I could do that. I do like him.”

“Is he handsome?” LeeAnn smiled.

“He’s gorgeous. Tall, dark hair, dark brown eyes, and a body to die for.”

“Then see where it takes you. You have to remember that he’s in this too. You could hurt him.”

“I know. He even said he didn’t want a broken heart and he’d do all he could not to break mine or Zoey’s. I believe he’s a good man.”

“Go with your instinct, Dylan. It’s all you can do. You can’t be alone for the rest of your life. I know you have Zoey now, but one day, she’s going to find a man of her own. Where will you be then?”

“And what about you? Shouldn’t you find someone?”

“I’d love to one day, but not yet. I miss your father way too much to even consider dating anyone yet.”

“I know, but I don’t want you alone either.”

“We’re talking about you. My time to find another man is way off.”

“I suppose I can see what happens with Alex and me.”

“It’s all you can do, honey. You’ll know if he’s a good man or not. It doesn't take long for someone’s true self to come through. You saw Travis’s, but you’d already fallen for him. He was not a good man. In any way.”

“I wish I’d listened to you and Daddy about him.”

“You had to find out on your own. We were glad you did. Your father wanted to kill him for what he did. I did too, and I know you did.”

“He’s back, Mom.”


“He’s out of prison and he called me. He wants to see Zoey.”

“He’s not allowed, Dylan, and don’t you dare let him.”

“There’s no way I’d let him near my daughter. I’m going to call my lawyer Monday and let him know.”

“Good idea.”

“I’m ready, Nana.” Zoey ran into the kitchen carrying her small overnight case.

“I’d better check that first,” Dylan said as she took the case, set it on the floor, and opened it. She looked at Zoey with a frown. “Zoey, you can’t take all your Barbies with you.”

“I didn’t pack them all.”

“No, but you packed too many. Where are your clothes?”

“I’ll have to carry them.” Zoey giggled.

“Oh, boy. Zoey, let’s go pack some clothes. You can bring a few Barbies, but not that many. You have toys at my house.”

“I know, Nana, but these are my favorite ones.”

“All of them are your favorite ones. You can take three. That is all. Now, let’s get your clothes packed so you and Nana can be on your way. I have to get to work in the barn.”

“’Kay, Mama.” Zoey ran from the kitchen.
