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Arms encircled her from behind and Claire smiled, leaning back into Eva's embrace. "Can you believe it's been a year already?" Claire asked as Eva nuzzled her neck.

Eva laughed. "Best year of my life."

Claire turned to capture Eva's lips in a tender kiss. Nearby, Michael and Abby waved from the cafe. Abby had been helping out part time, and she was working out beautifully.

"We should get back to the cafe so that Michael can leave early. He's got a date, remember?" Eva said, kissing her neck.

Claire grinned, hopping off the bike and pulling Eva close.

"You're not distracting me, not today." Eva kissed her once more before taking her hand and pulling her toward the cafe.

"Michael," Claire said as they walked inside. "Eva and I can close tonight. Go ahead and get ready for your date. Have fun."

He beamed at them. "You guys are the best. You know that?"

Eva nodded. "I do. Have fun on your date. It's number five with this guy right?"

He blushed. "It is. So I'll see you all later then. Eva, I've got some of your mail that's still getting delivered to your old place. I'll bring it here tomorrow for you. And Abby?"

She looked up from where she was cleaning the espresso machine. "Michael?"

"Great job today with that lunch rush."

She smiled and ducked her head. "Thank you."

Eva went behind the counter, making herself some iced tea.

"I'm so proud of you, Abby. I know it hasn't been easy, but you've been doing great," Claire told her, giving her a hug.

Abby beamed at her. "I'm really, really happy."

"That's all that matters," Claire said.

Eva finished making her tea. "Okay, so Abby and I are closing tonight and you're going back to the house to paint right?"

Claire nodded, stepping back. "I've got that pug portrait to complete. I'll make us pasta for dinner."

"And I'll bring some fresh bread," Eva promised.

She smiled at Eva. "See you later, darling."

"See you soon," Eva promised.

They kissed once more and then Claire left to head back to their cottage, intent on getting some painting in before Eva came home and they spent the evening together.

The End
