Page 10 of Bolivar

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"Thanks for thinking of this, and for taking me along," I said.

He opened his eyes and peeked out at me. "You're welcome, now let me sleep. I don't like flying in planes. I wish I was still two hundred and able to actually turn into what I am. Then you could just ride me and I would fly us down theremyself and we wouldn't have to be in this crowded metal bird."

I smirked and wanted to say more, but I let him sleep. He was out completely within minutes and I got another soda.

By the time we landed, I'd had four sodas and I'd tried to get some rum to go with them, but since I wasn't yet twenty-one they wouldn't give me any. Bolivar woke up as the plane was starting to deboard. We had only forty-five minutes to get to our next flight, but the monitors said that the other gate was only two down from where we were, so I wasn't worried about it at all.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him as I stretched my arms over my head.

He still looked a bit groggy, but he shrugged and followed me along, although silently, as I went to the cookie stand that was close to our next gate. I was in a great mood, and having two chocolate chip cookies and a latte only added to it.

We'd barely sat down at our gate when he took one of the cookies from me and pulled off a third of it for himself.

"Hey!" I grumbled, giving him a glare. I didn't really mean it though. I could have just bought another if I really wanted to.

Bolivar shrugged. "You used my credit card."

"Huh." I hadn't even realized that I had. I was so used to using it for groceries and things over the past few months of living with him that pulling it out had become almost a habit when I went to pay for something. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Did you bring any protection? That store over there with the magazines has a couple boxes of condoms if you need to get them now."

He raised his hand to point to the display and I turned away as my cheeks heated up. "They're right over there," he said as if I'd missed where he was pointing.

"I know," I grumbled. "I'm fine. Really." And I didn't really want to talk about sex with him. I'd had more than enoughof that after my experience with Imrel. It wasn't as if Bolivar had been mean about it or anything, but he and I weren't like that. In some ways he was my boss. In a lot of ways, actually. And I didn't want to talk to my boss about my sex life.

"Okay. If you're sure."

"I'm very sure." I just wanted to stop talking to him about it. Thankfully he dropped it, and we were soon on the next flight. It would be only a little over an hour, and then we would need to take a taxi down to the Keys. I couldn't wait to get out there with the warm air and the sun and no snowy cold Maine for a few weeks.

We had separate rooms, but they were right next to each other and joined by a door. I hesitated at mine. It wasn't that I wasn't ready to go down and meet people and change into my swim trunks for a while, but I wanted his permission almost. He was paying for this vacation and I thought he would be in charge of it.

"Bolivar?" I asked him before he could finish opening his door.

He stopped and looked me over. "Yes?"

"Did you want to make a plan for dinner or anything?"

He smiled at me and reached over to ruffle my hair. "You're surrounded by beautiful men all looking to meet people and have a good time. Go enjoy yourself. Find a dinner date. Eat caviar off someone's perfect butt. If you find yourself alone tonight, text me and I'll have dinner with you, but don't assume that you won't be hit on the second you walk downstairs."

He closed the door on me and I was back to blushing. He spoke so casually, and even though I wasn't a virgin anymore, I was nowhere near his level of comfortableness. Since I was going to be left to do my own thing I went into my room and changed into my trunks. I took my flip flops, which I'd never gotten to wear in Maine since it was always so cold, and headeddownstairs to the beach.

The sun was warm and the sand was, too, though the water was cooler than I had expected it to be. Still, it beat the freezing waters in Maine hands down. I sat under the shade of an empty umbrella and lay back, smiling to myself as I started to warm up. I was still energized from the sodas I'd had on the plane, and I absolutely wanted to do more than just lie on the beach for a week, but this was a good start.

Just as Bolivar had predicted, it didn't take more than a few minutes before someone sat next to me, sharing my shade even though there were a bunch of empty umbrellas.

"Hey," he said.

I looked over at him. He was probably in his forties. He had some gray hairs and some wrinkles around his eyes. He was good looking, but a bit old for me. I tried to stay within five years. Or, I had up until Imrel. I wasn't going to be with a dragon ever again, though, so that didn't count anymore. "Hi."

He waved at one of the people walking around with brightly colored cocktails and grabbed two. Then he handed me one.

"I'm underage." That didn't mean that I wouldn't be drinking it, though.

"I'm not." He clinked his glass against mine before taking a sip. "I'm Adam. And you are?"

"Wesley." Despite the fact that he was a lot older than me, I didn't really have anything against Adam. And it was nice to have some real attention for once, not to feel like I was a bother like Bolivar treated me, or that I was just there to add to Imrel’s collection of virgin experiences. Adam smiled at me and it seemed like his smile was just for me right then, and that was nice. Almost like I was lying on a beach next to an older version of Jack.

"So, Wesley, what is it that you do?"
