Page 11 of Bolivar

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I sipped my drink. It was strong, and really sweet, but I licked my lips like I enjoyed the taste of it anyway. "I'm a personal assistant to a family friend." It was a cover I'd thought up a long time ago if anyone ever bothered to ask me that question, though no one but Adam ever had. "He's here with me, actually, though he's probably back in the hotel reading or something."

"Do you two have a room together?"

It was a bit early to be asking about my sleeping arrangements, but maybe not in a gay resort. "No, I have my own room."

"That's really good." He sipped his drink and kept smiling at me.

I drank mine as well. It was growing on me and I was finding that I didn't totally hate it. He put his hand on my ankle, and maybe I could have ignored it, or thought he'd just done it accidently, but it was impossible to keep faith in that idea when his other hand brushed my thigh as he went to push my loose swim trunks down my thighs. I knew what he wanted and I couldn't be naive anymore. I knew he wanted me as soon as he'd asked about my room.

I just didn't know what I wanted, though. Did I want to have sex with him? Did I want to know what a completely human guy would be like? I hadn't told him to stop touching me, so maybe that meant I wanted to kiss him. Either way, he had his hand in my shorts and his mouth on mine within a few minutes and I was still lying there on the beach, trying to figure out what I wanted.

Someone cleared their throat above us. Adam didn't move away from me and they did it again. "I'd like my assistant back, if you don't mind."

I froze at the cold tone of Bolivar's voice. He sounded pissed. I pushed on Adam’s chest and he moved enough for meto see Bolivar past him. "Hi," I squeaked out.

He raised his eyebrows at me and I was quick to scramble away from Adam and get to my feet. I couldn't have moved faster if Bolivar had physically grabbed me and pulled me up beside him. "Sorry," I mumbled. I didn't know what I was apologizing for, not yet anyway, but I was sure I needed to be apologizing for something.

Adam didn't know that Bolivar was a dragon. He couldn't. He didn't know that making him angry would be a big mistake. So when he got to his feet and tucked his hand into mine, I didn't doubt that Bolivar would say something to him.

"Hey, I'm Adam," he introduced himself.

Bolivar pursed his lips. "I see. And you're into twinks then, are you? Because you think he's dumb and cute and alone? An easy target, then?"

Adam dropped my hand quickly. "You're crazy."

Bolivar waved him away and Adam was quick to go. I sighed as I watched him leave, but I had Bolivar there, still looking angry, and I needed to deal with him before I did anything else. "I didn't need you to jump in and save me."

"He was kissing you and you weren't touching him back. If you'd wanted to be kissing him, then you would have had your hands on him, not clawing at the chair. If you want to go after him and complain about your psycho boss, then you're welcome to. You might even be able to catch up to him before he finds the next guy he wants to try to get into bed. But I think you know I'm right, don't you, Wesley?"

I hated how easily I blushed around him. And how he was right all the time. "Yeah. Fine." I sighed. "I wish it wasn't so hard to meet guys. Like seriously. It shouldn't be hard to find a nice guy who wants me and isn't a jerk about it."

Bolivar took my arm in his, and I noticed, for the first time really, that he was wearing a super tight and completelyrevealing suit that was little more than just sexy white underwear. I'd only noticed this because of all the guys staring at him as he walked me from the beach into the hotel lobby.

"It is hard, I will give you that. But you're also looking in all the wrong places. Jack was sweet, but not the one for you. Adam could have been fun, but are you looking for a hookup, or for something more substantial? And don't get me started on Imrel. He's better left unmentioned around me." There were robes in the lobby and he grabbed us each one. I put mine on, but he only laid his over his arm. "Decide what you want, and there will be guys lining up to be with you in whatever capacity you want. Now, come on, I want you to meet some people that are important to me. They're who I play Mahjong with online. Be nice, and you should try to make a good impression."

I had no idea what Mahjong was, but he led me into a small conference area where men in their eighties, all in robes as well, were sitting around tables with a bunch of colorful tiles on them. Bolivar dropped his towel and robe off on the back of a chair and grabbed himself some cucumber water. "Gentlemen," he greeted them, "this is my assistant, Wesley."

They waved to us but kept putting tiles together as if we weren't important at all. Bolivar pulled me to a nearby table and chairs and I got comfortable. He crossed one leg over the other and looked positively royal as he looked over at the other men while they played their games.

"It's been a long time, Bolivar. Wesley, I'm Landon. I'm one of your dragon's oldest friends." He didn't stand, didn't offer me his hand, and he didn't even look at me as I sat there with my eyebrows shooting up and my chin hanging down.


Bolivar nodded. "Yes, these four men are other dragons. Landon is the dragon of the South, Faenir takes care of the West, if Imrel were here he would be the North, Ormr protects theAtlantic, Veles has the Pacific, and I'm East of the Mississippi up to Canada, where Imrel takes over, as you know. Now, remember what I told you about being nice. And get more water for everyone while I play a game."

I was quick to obey him, but I couldn't stop staring. I'd never thought I would be in a room with five dragons, especially not a basic hotel room like this. I'd imagined a gathering of dragons to be this grand thing with torches everywhere and a big stone table. Maybe a human sacrifice or something. But these were just old men playing a game with little tile pieces and completely ignoring me while I brought them fresh water. When I was done I went back to my chair and sat, watching them, looking for any telltale signs of who, and what, they were. But there was none. Maybe it was hidden under their robes. Every so often when Bolivar moved, I saw the barest hint of a blue sheen on his back. Maybe they had scales hiding under their robes like Bolivar had when I'd first met him.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked Bolivar.

He glanced at me, then nodded before moving some of the tiles around. "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't make anyone here want to kill you. I like you, Wesley. I'd prefer that you don't die on me right now."

I decided to keep that in mind. "Why here? Why are you meeting in a hotel? Why a gay resort?"

Landon laughed. "Why? Because I own this resort, and I enjoy seeing all of the men walking around in hardly anything. Which, speaking of, Bolivar, you're looking good for your age. Enjoy it now, because you know, pretty soon you're going to be too young for most of the men out there. You'll have to start looking at the barely legal crowd, and I know how much you dislike them."

"Wesley's in that age group and I don't mind his company at all. He's a good boy. But, you're right, I may only have anotherfew months of looking like I'm in my twenties before I become younger again. Fortunately though, I'll age again. Slowly, I'll grant you, but I won't be this young forever. And soon enough all of you will be going through this same thing. It was just my luck that I was born first."

I knew how dragon aging worked, and still I had to force myself to remember that I wasn't watching a guy in his twenties playing a game with a bunch of senior men. It was hard to see Bolivar as being the oldest man in the room, but he was, despite how young he looked. "Can I ask another question?"
