Page 17 of Bolivar

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I was pretty sure telling him I wasn't going to college right then would get me in trouble and I didn't want him pissed at me, but it would have been so easy to say that. I was so tempted to do that too. I didn't really like going to college, but it was important to him. At least, I thought it was.Do I have to?

We'll talk when you get here.

Well, that wasn't a complete no, but it wasn't that promising, either. I figured I'd see what he had to say when I got down there. I didn't want a lecture from him, and I wasn't looking for one either, but maybe some motivation would be good.

When I got to the resort I already felt better about leaving Maine to spend some time down there. Gorgeous guys were everywhere, but there was one guy with blond hair streaked with blue who was watching me as soon as I walked in. I was flattered, despite that he seemed a little young to be there—until I realized that he was Bolivar.

"You weren't kidding about how young you look," I grumbled as I came over to him.

He shrugged and leaned against the wall. Sure, he lookedlike he was barely eighteen, but he looked good, too. I tried not to look at him long though, even though he was in just a pair of trunks that hung low on his hips and showed off the deep lines on his stomach.

"So, what are you doing down here? Are you looking for an excuse not to go back to college?" He didn't sound upset, which was a good thing at least, but he hardly sounded encouraging either.

"My friends left me," I mumbled.

He just rolled his eyes. Then he turned and headed down the hallway to the elevators. I followed him without being asked to, and I tried my best to keep my gaze above his butt. He was even better looking from behind, and I loved that his hair was not just streaked with blue, but different shades of it as well. Some strands were as light as the sky while others were deep like the ocean off his deck in Maine.

Once we were in his hotel room I sat down on his bed without being invited to, but he didn't say anything, so maybe that was okay. All he did was pour himself some water and turn to look at me. After a minute or two, I figured out he was waiting for me to explain what had happened.

"All of my friends were really Jeffrey's friends. I mean, I only ever made friends with the people in the crafting group I was in, so I guess that was to be expected that they would leave me as soon as he and I broke up. But it still hurts." I shrugged. I didn't want it to hurt at all. I wanted to just be down there to have fun and maybe get laid, but I couldn't ignore the fact that I'd left Maine because I was upset and wanting to get away to somewhere familiar. Well, not really somewhere. I'd mostly just wanted to be with him. "Can I stay here with you for a few days? I won't get in your way. I'll rent my own room and—"

"It's fine."

He spoke gruffly, and I wondered if I'd pissed him off forreal this time. Then he sighed and sat down beside me. It was still so hard to remember that he was centuries older than me when he didn't look it at all right then. He looked like some cute teenage guy sitting beside me. I would have hit on him in an instant if I saw him at a bar. But then he met my gaze as he took my hand, and I knew that he wasn't some human teenage guy. It wasn't like there was anything really different about his eyes. It was the way he looked at me. The deepness, the sadness, the way he seemed to know exactly what I was going through, like he'd done this all a hundred different times in a hundred different ways and I was just going through something that everyone my age did.

"When do your classes start up again?"

"Three days." I didn't have much time here at all.

He nodded, and I had no idea why he was still holding my hand, but I was glad that he was.

"You can stay here, and do whatever you want while you're here of course, but you have to go back to class. I'm only financing your life for the next twenty years, and I'm happy to do that and send you wherever you want to go. But you need to have a backup plan when I cut you off. Do you understand?"

"I do." And I was grateful to him for doing that for me.

"Good." He let go of my hand, and instead touched my knee. "Now, while you're here, do you want to go swimming? I rented the heated pool for an hour-long slot this afternoon. It's indoors and private, so no one will be judging you on whether or not you can swim."

I stared down at his fingers on my knee and wondered what was really going on here. "Are you asking me to have sex with you or something?"

He snorted, very clearly laughing at me. "First of all, you only just recently broke up with your Jeffrey, and secondly, if I want to have sex with you I would say something. Besides, I'mnot in a body I want to be sexual with yet. No. What I was asking you for was company while I went swimming. You can swim too, or you can sit by the side of the pool and drink Pina Coladas for all I care. Would you like to join me?'

I felt stupid for jumping to such a majorly wrong conclusion with him, but I was happy to be included in his offer. "Yes. I would. Sorry for thinking you wanted me or something."

"I never said I didn't want you, but I don't want to have sex with you right now. In a few years when this body matures more and if you're single at the time and no longer interested in something temporary, then maybe we'll see."

He got up from the bed and my breath was stuck in my throat as his words sank in.

I went back to college right on time three days later. I got off the plane at just after ten, and by two I was in my first class. I wasn't happy to be back, but I kept Bolivar's words with me. I needed to have a plan—no, more than that. I needed to have a career there for me well before he cut off his money. He wouldn't be my sugar daddy forever, and I didn't want him to be. It was more than enough that he was taking care of me right now.

I wasn't trying to find Jeffrey, but I did see him one afternoon, a month after classes started up again. I was in line at the sub shop for lunch and he was walking back from a class I guessed. I waved to him and I didn't expect him to even acknowledge me, but he surprised me by coming to stand next to me in line.

"Hi," he mumbled, looking at the floor. He seemed sad, not the pissed off that I'd expected him to be.

"Hey." I could have been nice or something. I could have just kept my mouth shut. But since he was there and obviously wanting to talk, I figured I could say what I wanted to as well. "So you guys moved the group huh?"

"Yeah. Uh…"

I shrugged. "Don't worry about it." I could find other friends. Ones that didn't ditch me just because I refused to hide who I was. But he looked so damn sad. "You okay?"
