Page 30 of Abe

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“A week ago, a Russian attempted to get on base in Alaska. Claiming confusion and loss of memory and direction. Unfortunately, when the individual left the base, a phone call was made to Golubev asking him to contact one Admiral Garvin to allow entrance on-base.”

“I don’t know the man.”

“I didn’t say it was a man.” Garvin froze, glaring at Abe with such hatred it was palpable in the small room. “As I was saying, he clearly used your name as a reference. Then, imagine our surprise when we find out that the Michigan is dead in the water, and you want our plans. We, of course, refused.

“Instead, we found her sitting off the coast of Alaska, boarded her, found the issues, fixed them, making significant improvements, by the way, and we found the saboteur.”

“Ohhh, big words, Abe. Good job!” smiled Cam.

“Thank you. I read a page in the dictionary last night.”

The Secret Service agents and POTUS chuckled in the background, Garvin frowning at them all. It was nice that they thought they could laugh at his expense. He took solace in the fact that the young man wouldn’t squeal with his siblings being held hostage.

Luke, Cam, Gator, and Abe stared at him, smirking. They knew exactly what he was thinking.

“Shall I show another photo?” asked Abe.

“You shall,” nodded Cam.

“How about this one? That is ITS Freeman hugging his sister and brother. Strange that we found them in the basement of your home, being held by two known members of the Quetzalcoatl cartel. I wonder how that happened?”

“Holding two Americans hostage in your home doesn’t look good for you, Jon,” said the president. “You might do yourself some favors and start talking. Or, the boys and I can step outside and let Luke and the others question you in their way.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“I damn sure would. You sold out your country, Jon. Sold me out. I knew you were power-hungry, but I thought all you wanted was the office. Do you understand what the Russians would do with that technology? Do you understand that they would come for us first?”

“Of course, I know! That’s the fucking point,” he snarled. The men all stood straight, staring at the cuffed, shamed man. “I’m sick at the turn this country has taken. The weak, pathetic excuses for leaders. Not one of you understands the sacrifices that have to be made in order to make our country safe and secure. Not one of you.”

“How dare you,” whispered Cam. “How fucking dare you. Every man standing in this room served his country, and I dare say we served in far more dangerous parts of the world than you and acrobatic flying. Not saying it didn’t take skill, but how many missions did you have in an active combat arena, admiral?”

Garvin said nothing, turning and looking in the opposite direction. Finally, he looked at them all.


“One? One? Between us, we’ve done nearly a hundred. A hundred fucking combat missions, shithole assignments to make the likes of you look good. Sure, we complained about it, but we never once thought to go against our country. Not once.”

“Good for you,” said Garvin. “You’re all Yankee Doodle Dandies. Waving your flags and singing the “Star-Spangled Banner.” How nice. Do you have any idea how much the Russians are willing to pay you for your G.R.I.P. technologies?”

“Actually, we do. They’ve tried to buy them above board. We know exactly what they offered, and we turned them down. Which, I suppose, is why they found the weakest link to hit on.”

“I’m not weak. I’m stronger than you think,” he frowned.

Patrick, Christopher, and Hazel walked into the room, staring directly at Garvin. Hazel pushed a folder onto the table. He recognized the handwriting on the label immediately. He knew. He knew what was in there, and he knew who was to blame.

“Tell us, admiral. Does Golubev know you’re talking to the North Koreans as well?”


Fucking wife. His fucking wife had all the information she claimed she had. Photos of him with the North Koreans on foreign soil when he was supposed to be in the U.S. Standing beside him were Quetz and Wolford.

“This seems a pretty big meeting for Wolford. Small time nothing with the big dogs,” said Abe.

“You know nothing. Wolford is behind everything.”

“How is that possible? He doesn’t have the government connections. Did you introduce him to all the players?” asked Cam.

“He knew all the players. He knew them better than I did. Who do you think provides them with their specific tastes? Wolford is connected to everyone and uses those connections to his advantage. He has spies spying on the spies. You can’t get anything by him.”
