Page 31 of Abe

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Abe felt a gut punch, wondering if Lyra was safe back home. He’d spoken to her only once since leaving for Alaska, and she seemed fine, but if Wolford was as well connected as Garvin said, who knew what resources he had available to him?

“No one has seen your technology up close and personal. Not even me,” he growled. “They all just wanted to see it, get a few photos, and then create it for themselves.”

Cam let out a chuff of laughter, then Luke followed and the others until the whole room was laughing.

“You think that’s funny?” snapped Garvin.

“I think it’s hilarious,” said Gator. “You can’t reverse engineer our technologies. We’re smarter than you think. Obviously.”

“It doesn’t matter. They’ll find it and take it. In fact, your precious Michigan is probably being overtaken right now.”

“You weren’t listening, Jon, old boy,” said Abe. “We boarded the Michigan and fixed her. She’s doing just fine.” Garvin smiled at the men, shaking his head as he released a maniacal laugh.

“They’re going to blow her out of the water. If they can’t have her, neither can you.”

“Really?” mocked Cam. “Let’s see. Pull up the satellite images, please.”

One of the Secret Service agents turned the television on and tapped a few buttons. In surprising clarity was an image of the Michigan, sitting on the surface of the water. Except it wasn’t the Michigan at all. It was a mirage of her.

As the Russian vessels moved closer, they could see them preparing to fire. Garvin continued to grin as a hellfire of missiles were shot from the bow of the Russian Navy ships. But all that was seen were splashes of water, beautifully pluming to the heavens.

From behind the two Russian ships, the Michigan rose in eerie blackness. From her hull, she released her missiles, the smaller, less-equipped ships never standing a chance.

“No,” whispered Garvin. “No. You fool! You idiot! You’ll bring war to us!”

“Wasn’t that your plan?” asked the president. “Isn’t that what you wanted? I mean, you attempted to sabotage a United States Navy submarine. You conspired with known cartel members, drug lords, and terrorists, not to mention a communist.”

“Yea,” he huffed. “That was my plan. But I’d be on the other side of the fucking world. When my country needed me most, I’d show back up and save the day, changing your weak-ass policies and foreign involvement.”

“Weak? You think how we’re dealing with North Korea, Russia, ISIS, and all the other assholes in the world is weak?”

“I damn sure do.”

“You know nothing of weakness or strength. What you know is cowardice. There’s a big difference between them. Let me ask you something,” said Abe. “What were you doing at Quinn’s party?”

“I was there to pick up a friend,” he smirked.

Nate slammed his fist into his jaw, sending him backwards. Had it not been for the handcuffs holding him to the table, he would have cracked his skull on the floor. Pulling himself upright, he stared at Nate.

“Is she yours?” he grinned.

“She’s no ones. I don’t know her, other than I was the man that saved her from you that night.”

“Wolford wants his niece,” he said, still glaring at Nate. “He needs her to broker a deal between the North Koreans and Quetzalcoatl. If he doesn’t get her, Wolford is a dead man, and all the business he’s been getting from south of the border will go to someone else.”

“Too fucking bad,” growled Abe. “She’s safe, and not even I know where.”

“Where do we find the Russian?” asked Cam.

“I’m going to guess in Moscow,” he grinned. “Your little trick with the sub probably has him concerned.”

“Which is why he won’t be in Moscow,” said Luke. Garvin frowned at him. “If he goes back to Moscow defeated, made a fool, they’ll kill him. It doesn’t matter how high up he is. What he did makes them look foolish. Where is he?”

Garvin looked away, not wanting to answer the question.

“I want a deal,” he said, turning back to them. “I’ll give you Wolford, Quetz, and the Russian, all for my freedom.”

“Wow, you’re really concerned for your wife. I mean, she’s crying and screaming in the next room, and you’re so concerned for her,” said Abe.
