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Satisfied that they were alone in the condo, they quickly made their way into the bedroom, pushing the door open. The older man’s back was to them as he hovered above a young girl.

“Glad you are here, old friend. They’re getting restless.” He glanced over his shoulder, shocked. Jumping from the bed, he tried to get to a handgun on a dresser, but Gator beat him to it. He stared at the naked old man, sneering at him. He held the gun out in his palm, holding it out to the Russian.

“I dare you. Take it. Go ahead,” said Gator. “Take it, and let’s play this movie out to the end.”

“You are trespassing,” he said in broken English.

“No, old man. You’re trespassing, and if I had to guess, you’re forcing these girls to have sex with you.”

Patrick knelt next to the girl on the bed, her mouth covered in tape as she lay there naked. Carefully, he removed the tape from her mouth.

“It’s alright, precious,” he whispered. He covered her with the blanket, then lifted her and carried her to another room, lying her on a small sofa. “You wait right here while I get your friend, okay?”

“He drugged us,” she sniffed. “H-he stuck a needle in our arms.”

Patrick frowned, staring at the girl. Her makeup was smeared down her face in a streak of tears, the lipstick all around her mouth. Her tender little mouth was bruised, bruises beginning to show on her neck and shoulders. He didn’t have the stomach to inspect her body. Someone else would need to do that.

“How old are you?” asked Patrick.

“Th-thirteen,” she sniffed. “Another man took us and brought us here. We were just waiting for a friend we met online.” Patrick cursed under his breath, then sat across from the girl.

“Honey, he was the man you met online.”

“N-no,” she said, shaking her head. “The guy we met online was fifteen. We saw his photo. He was really cute and had blonde hair. He said his name was Jon. He said he was going to pick us up and take us to the mall.” Patrick shook his head, trying to understand the naivety of the girl.

“What’s your name?”


“Ann, that was a fake profile. That’s a trick that predators use to lure you into their cars or to a location where they can easily take you. They offer money, jewelry, makeup, all sorts of things to get young girls to follow them. I’m sorry, honey, but he is the guy you met online.”

“I feel so stupid,” she sniffed. “He forced me to have sex!”

“I know, baby. We’re going to get you some help, okay?” She nodded as he moved back into the bedroom. While Gator and Christopher took Golubev downstairs, Patrick kneeled beside the young girl on the floor. Her eyes were glazed over, her young body bruised from his abuse.

Grabbing the sheet from the bed, he wrapped her up and took her into the other bedroom with her friend.

“You wait right here,” he said. “I’m going to get you both something to eat and some water. Don’t move. Okay?”

“Okay,” she nodded. “You won’t leave us with him again, will you?”

“I’m not going to leave you with him, I promise. What’s your friend’s name?”


“Okay. Ann and Ashley. I’ll get you some food, then we’re going to try and find your parents. Do you live in Alexandria or Washington, D.C.?”

“Is that where we are?” she said, starting to cry again.

“Yes, honey. You’re in Alexandria, Virginia. Where do you live?”

“We live in Millhaven, Georgia. It’s a little, nothing town. There’s never anything to do there. It’s just farms and double-wide trailers. All we wanted was to get out and go to the big mall in the city. We thought we would have some fun,” she sniffed. “This wasn’t fun.”

“No, I don’t suppose it was,” he said, cursing under his breath. He had three boys at home and was grateful for that. But his siblings each had girls. He would damn sure have a talk with them as they got older.

Downstairs, he grabbed two bottles of water and then searched the cupboards for something for the girls to eat. He needed to get them hydrated and get some food in them. He found a box of cheese crackers and some grapes and made his way back through the living room.

“Are my precious little dolls hungry?” smirked Golubev. Christopher gripped his hand, bending his wrist backwards until he heard the snap of tendon and bone. Screaming, Gator covered his mouth with his huge hand.
