Page 32 of Abe

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“She sold me out. I don’t admire disloyalty. Just let me give you those three, and then let me go.”

The president jerked his head toward the door, and the men all walked over to him.

“Do you think he really knows where they are?” he asked.

“Yep, but he won’t be honest with us,” said Luke. “Let us do this our way, sir. You and your men leave. Plausible deniability and all that bullshit. Sir.” The president gave him a smirk and nodded.

“I don’t want to see his face again, Luke. I don’t really give a damn about deniability. Get rid of him.”

“Yes, sir.” The president turned to face Garvin, the smile on his face telling them he thought he’d won his deal.

“This is goodbye, Jon. I don’t know what happened to you, but you were a good man once upon a time.” The president turned with his agents, leaving the men of VG in the room alone with him.

“Wait! Wait!” he screamed. Piper and Hazel walked by the room, dragging his wife by her arms, her limp body clearly no longer able to move. “What did they do? What did you do to her?”

“Don’t worry, Jon. You’ll be joining her soon enough,” said Abe. Nate stepped forward, staring at the disgraced admiral.

“Let’s chat.”


Luke and the others waited outside the room while Abe and Nate took their time with Garvin. At one point, they could hear him crying, begging for mercy. It sounded like they were enjoying themselves, and in a way, they deserved this.

Nate had always been a good student during training, but he was especially attentive when learning about knives from his grandfather. He was superior in almost every way, simply due to his youth and speed. But right now, he was also out of control.

“Nate always was a vicious bastard,” smirked Cam.

“Yea, but he gets it done. We heard from the Michigan. She’s doing fine and headed home. Tech made sure all the satellite images only showed the Russian ships firing on her, not her firing back.”

“That’s going to create serious issues in Moscow. Two ships missing, and no way to ask for help. If they did, they’d have to explain what they were doing that close to U.S. waters.”

The door opened, and Abe stepped out first, wiping his hands on a wet paper towel. The crimson and pink coloring of the towel telling the team all they needed to know. Nate walked out, and Cam and Luke stared over his shoulder, raising their brows.

“A little overkill, don’t you think? No pun intended,” said Luke.

“Nope. He got what he deserved. You’ll find Golubev at their condo. Apparently, he was given a few girls to entertain while he waited for Garvin.”

“We’ll head that way,” said Gator, nodding at the others. Turning, he, Christopher, Patrick, Fitch, and AJ headed out. They would approach the condo from the street side, knowing that Golubev most likely would be staring out at the water, not the street.

“What do we do with him?” asked Abe.

“We’ve got it, sirs,” said a young man standing behind them. He was wearing a hazmat suit and gloves, carrying a black body bag. “We’ve been asked, confidentially, to dispose of your toxic waste. Happy to do it, sirs.”

“No need to call us sirs,” smirked Luke.

“All due respect, sirs, but we know who you are and what you’ve done. It’s an honor to meet all of you. Unofficially, of course.”

It only took a few moments for them to load Garvin’s body, wipe the entire room clean, sanitizing it, making it look like new. The men nodded as they carried the body away, and Cam just shook his head.

“I guess this is how our parents felt,” he whispered.

“Let’s head to the condo and see what the boys have found.”

Gator tested the door, sure that it was locked. Taking out his kit, he picked the deadbolt first, then the door handle. Barely opening a crack, he ran a long device up the frame to ensure there were no triggers. He could hear a television blaring in the background, then nodded at Patrick.

Slowly, they opened the door, taking careful steps into the condo. The television was playing some awful pornographic movie, blasting throughout the home. Christopher jerked his head toward the stairs, and Gator and Patrick made their way slowly up, one step at a time. Nearing the top, Patrick slowed. Frowning at his friends, he held a finger to his lips, tapping his ear.

They all heard it. The muffled crying of a woman. Or girl. Then, it was another, pleading for release.
