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Everyone looked at Eve.

Carlo took a step back and turned around. His hand raked through his messy hair.

Nick stood in front of me, and I could feel the frustration pouring out of him. “Everyone dressed and downstairs in five minutes. Quietly.”

He peered down at me. His hand slipped behind my head, and he kissed my forehead. “You okay?” he muttered against my skin.

I shook my head and told him the truth, “No.”

He let out a long sigh, and his hand pulsed on my scalp. “I’m here, Giselle. You’re going to be fine. Put on some clothes. I’ll meet you downstairs.” Then he let me go and walked over to his wife. Nick grabbed Eve’s hand, and they wandered out the door.

I looked at the two idiots left in the bedroom. Good grief.

What had I done?

I didn’t want to think about it. But apparently, Stefan and I were going to have to deal with the consequences of our passionate day together.

Carlo turned back around, and I saw his mouth open like he was going to speak. The problem was—I didn’t want to listen.

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. When I leaned against it, I took a deep breath and tried to quiet my mind.

It didn’t work.

Mostly because of the pounding that immediately started behind me. “Giselle,” Stefan said, and I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted, but I could take two guesses.

Either he wanted to talk about what had just happened.

Or he wanted to fuck me again.

Actually, he might want both things.

The trouble was—I didn’t.

“Go away, Stefan!” I yelled and pushed away from the door. I dropped my robe and looked in the mirror. “Yikes,” I whispered and dragged my fingers through my messy hair. I looked like a woman who’d just been fucked by two overbearing, possessive billionaires.

I found a brush and pulled it through my knotted hair.

“Open the fucking door,” he shouted back and hit the door.

“I’m showering, Stefan. And you’re not invited!” I screamed before spinning around and turning the water on. I felt my body sag underneath the warm water. After that, I let my head fall forward while the water washed over me.

What a mess.

None of this needed to happen.

I was going to be gone soon, anyway. This fuss really was about nothing.

I wasn’t going to have Stefan’s baby.

Some other lucky woman would do that when the time was right. My face contorted and I felt tears fall down my cheeks—faster than the water from the shower. The thought of Stefan getting some other woman pregnant—I tried to take a deep breath, but I just couldn’t.

That scenario hurt too much.

I wanted to gouge the eyes out of the fictitious woman in my imagination.

I had to compose myself.

Carlo and Stefan were ready to kill each other over this.
