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“But trust me, Giselle. You are powerful, too. Because you hold his heart in your hands. No matter what happens, or what is to come, your support means—everything.”

He leaned forward—a little too close—and said, “Never feel small,mia cara. And never give up on him. Even when it seems he wants to quit. He doesn’t. Marriage has its ups and downs. The only thing you need to remember is to—” he coughed and cleared his throat, “keep holding onto each other.”

I wasn’t sure why, but a few tears escaped my eyes. Marcello had completely undone me. I was glad to be sitting because I wasn’t sure my legs would hold me right now.

He moved back a bit and I could see his face.

“I will do my best, Marcello.” My voice sounded strange to my own ears. Almost like it wasn’t mine. Which was really weird.

He shook his head, and his expression grew dark. “No,mia cara. You don’t try. You do. You stick by each other’s side. Forever. Through the good. And through the bad.” He coughed again, and this time it sounded worse and lasted longer.

“There will be bad, Giselle. Trust me. In every marriage, there is plenty of it. At times you’ll feel like giving up. Giving in. Taking the easy road and ending what you have.”

I looked down and finally inhaled a deep breath. “You don’t make this sound terribly appealing.”

He chuckled, and it shocked me how much it sounded like Carlo’s laugh. “Oh, but it is. You and my son have plenty of fun. Of that, I am sure.”

I felt a sudden blush rise up my body and rush to my cheeks.

Once again, I felt exposed to this man.

Like he could see every hot, sexy encounter Carlo and I’d ever had. It was completely unnerving.

“I’m not sure I should comment about that.” I peered at him and really hoped he’d change the subject.

Instead, his grin widened. “There is no need to comment, my beautiful Giselle. Your blush tells me everything I need to know. And I am happy for my son. The genuine love from a beautiful woman is a gift. Just as expressing that love to each other is.”

I gave him a smile and felt unsure of what to say to that. So, I said nothing.

“May I have my fiancée back?” Carlo asked from behind me. Relief washed over me at the sound of his voice, and I couldn’t help but feel like he was rescuing me in a way.

Marcello tightened his grip on my hand. “If I must give her back, I will.” Then he let go of me and Carlo offered his hand.

I took it and stood but didn’t lose contact with Marcello’s eyes. “You’ll come over and meet Daniella?” I asked—and as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I wanted to shove them back in.

What was I doing?

Why did I ask him to come over and meet my daughter?

Confusion and mixed emotions swirled around in my brain. What possible purpose would this even serve?

“Yes, I would love to meet Daniella.” Marcello gave me one last smile before he said, “It was wonderful to meet you. Take care of my son.”

I smiled back. “I will.”

Carlo escorted me over to meet some family friends of his. He seemed to have a lot of those.

After formal introductions, we talked for a few minutes. Then the older woman asked, “Now tell me, Giselle. How did this man propose?” She had a curious grin on her face.

I felt Carlo’s hand spasm on my lower back.

Mr. Always Prepared didn’t have an answer for her.

“We were out riding, and he surprised me with a picnic.” I gazed up at Carlo. “When he handed me a glass of my favorite wine, the ring was in the bottom.”

Carlo didn’t often have a soft look on his face. But in that instant—he really did. And I soaked it in like a dry sponge.

Because I knew I might never see that look again.
