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And it hurt my heart.

“I have a feeling you’re not going to behave on our ride.” I stood and looked up at my lumberjack.

He laughed and leaned down to kiss me. “Oh, you’ll have a good time on our ride, Giselle. Don’t worry.”

I giggled and let him deepen our kiss. My arms held onto him tight while he lifted me up. His tongue aggressively thrust into my mouth—telling me exactly what he had in mind.

“Sarah wants to know what time she should wake Dani up,” Stefan asked from the doorway.

Carlo set me down, and I pushed away. “Oh, can you tell her no later than three o’clock?” Dani hadn’t been all that tired at bedtime the last two nights. She was a good sport about it and played and sang in her crib.

But I figured we shouldn’t let her sleep too late for her afternoon nap. Hopefully that might work.

Stefan nodded and then looked at his brother for a few seconds before he turned around.

“Thanks,” I called out, but all I got in return was a grunt.

Carlo grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door. He opened it and guided me out.

I sighed and leaned into him as we walked.

“Give him time,” Carlo said. Just like he always said when we had any interaction with Stefan.

“We’ve given him time. How much more is he going to need?” I asked, even though it really didn’t matter. I’d be gone as soon as we touched down on American soil again.

Which shouldn’t be too much longer from what Carlo had been saying. He wanted to get back within the next week.

So, if my ovaries could hang in there and behave for another seven days, that would be great.

Because Carlo sure wasn’t behaving.


He was—getting in there—as much as he possibly could. Not that I minded.

But I did feel awful that Stefan hadn’t come back to our bed.

I didn’t have much time left to be with him. And just because I was leaving didn’t mean I wanted to leave him on a sour note.

Because I didn’t.

I wanted him to remember me fondly. Not as someone he hated.

“Either he comes back—or he doesn’t. I can’t make this okay for him. I love him, Giselle. But I love you, too. And I’m going to get you pregnant, no matter how he feels about it.”

I couldn’t help it.

Every time Carlo said he was going to get me pregnant—it made my skin flush, and all my good parts tingle. I wasn’t sure why it got me all hot. But it did.

He wrapped his arm around me, and we walked like that all the way to the horse stables. Once we stepped inside, the familiar sound of the horses neighing and greeting us filled my ears.

Carlo’s phone buzzed, and he slipped it out of his pocket and gazed at the screen. “I should take this. Give me a minute.” He gave me a quick kiss, then strode back out.

I didn’t care.

More time alone with the horses was not a bad thing.
