Page 48 of Girl for Rent

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I getready for Mr. M, but for some reason, I’m thinking about David. Okay not for ‘some’ reason. I know why. I love David. I might love Mr. M, I might just crave him. But I never want to have to choose. But with everything that David has said to me, I think that when David finds out what I do, he’ll have something to say aboutit.

It’s no longer a question about doing this to feel desirable andfree.

It’s no longer about money.

It’s about who I love. Versus who I crave.

What am I going todo?

I think this is going to come to a headsoon.

And then everything I think rolls out the window.

David is standing at the door of my hotel room and he’s holding the Mr. M blindfold.




He’s got a smirk on hisface.

I know that he isn’t just here and he doesn’t just have that. I know now that David is Mr. M. Everything that I might have been confused about doesn’t matter anymore because there has only ever been one man for me. He throws the blindfold behind me and looks at me like he’s about to kissme.

I put my hands up. “David, how…why?” I know what I just saw. But knowing it and accepting it? Totally two different things.

He cocks his head to the side. “I didn’t want to take away the first time you were on your own two feet. You were actually happy,” Davidsays.

I hear how defensive he’s getting. “I…” I’m about to say that I’m not mad…but even if I’m not angry, I don’t know what to think. I step back, putting my hands down and ball up my fists, clenching them and unclenchingthem.

“Christina,” David says my name and he strokes my cheek.

I’m stunned for moment. I don’t say anything, knowing it will make him talk. Give someone silence, and they’ll ache to fill it. I don’t know what to say, so let’s see what hedoes.

David cups my face. “I know you liked it,” hesays.

That kills my silent streak right there. “Me enjoying something is not an excuse,” I say, pulling his hand away from my face. I take another step back. “You lied to me. You teased me as Mr. M and you like courted me or something as yourself—”

“Courted?” David laughs.

I point a finger at him and press it right on his nose. “Don’t mock me right now,” I warnhim.

David grabs my wrist, stroking my skin softly.

“And don’t distract me,” I say, scrunching my nose up at him. “‘Fess up, when did youknow?”

David opens his mouth and I walk away, grabbing my phone. “Actually,” I say, putting my finger against his lips to shut him up. “I’m calling Thomas,” I tellhim.

David laughs nervously.

Good, he needs to sweat a little.

“Hey, Chris!” Thomas says, and I can tell he’s in a good mood. “I don’t need to verify what you and Mr. M are doing, youknow?”

“Very funny,” I say. “Did you know Mr. M was my stepson?” I have no time for small talk rightnow.
