Page 51 of Murder/Love

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The day isbright and we're the center of the social scene and the fiasco that surrounds her parent's funeral. Nobody can believe what happened and at this moment the funeral is the place to see and be seen. Carrie is dressed perfectly in a tight black dress with a little hat that hosts a semi-veil to halfway cover her face. This way she can be out of the spotlight as much as possible. All eyes are on her though, the suffering daughter, and their eyes are on me, her new support system.

I'm dressed in my finest suit, Gucci, with a crisp white shirt underneath. It's essential that I look good here. I want all of the people in Carrie's life to see me and to know that I exist. I am here for her now as no one else willbe.

There are people everywhere. It's the social set of elitist people who Carrie's parents were always trying to impress. Well, now they finally have. They've done it. They've made their mark in time with their infamy. Their names are on everyone's lips and I know that's all they ever craved in life. She has given them the ultimate gift, a dramatic death that will go down in history.

"Did you hear that they had no money?"

"Yeah, that's why the father lost his shit. They were always social climbers and I guess the idea of being obsolete in our circle was just too much for him totake."

"Oh, the poor daughter, she looks so sad. She's an orphan now with no one to take care ofher."

"By the looks of that gentlemen, I'd say she's doing justfine."

"Oh yes, he's full of wealth, you cantell."

"Oh it's good she has someone to leanon."

People are gossiping all over the place. And Carrie's putting on the perfect display of sadness and grief. Her head hangs low and she's even able to feign tears. I stay by her side the entire time. I am her eyes and ears as she plays herpart.

People assume that she ran away from home when I murdered all her classmates. They all figure that she was grief-stricken and that her parents wanted to let her be, out of the limelight. She has returned to the social scene by the tragic death of her parents. But now everyone can see that we're engaged. She's got the arm of a handsome, wealthy stranger to lean on. Me.

"You know she had to learn of her parent's death on the news. Yes, no one knew where she was to contact her. Naturally, she cameback."

"Yes naturally. Sweet girl, she's been through toomuch."

"And her father's money problems! She probably had noidea."

"I'm sure she didn't know. And she's penniless now. Just heartbreaking."

"I would not be too sad for her just yet. Luckily she's found a man to supporther."

"Just look at him. I swear he's the most handsome thing I've ever seen. And he's just loaded."

The women eye me up and down and bat their eyelashes. They wouldn't hesitate to take me away from Carrie if I'd have them, even in her time of need. These are the fake, shallow people she's been raised with. Not a scrap of integrity in their bodies, all they care about is money and looks.

We sit through the funeral and Carrie leans into my shoulder. I know she's happy to have it done with, the past truly behind her now. She's my bride-to-be and it's all I can do to keep my cock from getting hard just to think of bedding her on our wedding night. Wouldn't that give these women, these socialites something to talk about? A Handsome stranger with a giant cock gets aroused at the funeral. No way, I've got to keep it in check. I think of my grandmother.

Carrie eyes me suspiciously and I think she knows what's up. She holds me tightly by the arm and images of fucking her all over these coffins keep popping in my brain. Damn, this funeral islong.

Afterwards, we take our leave, satisfied that we made an appearance. I'm taking her to my Rolls Royce when a cop stops us on our way across the cemetery.

"You're Carrie, right? The daughter?"

"Um yes," she wipes one tear away from her eye. Such an actress!

"I'm sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say how I think it's funny that you just happened to be gone when all this happened."

She looks up at him under her long eyelashes. "Is it officer? Is it funny? Because to me, none of this is funny, okay?"

I'm so proud, I'm just beaming inside. She's become so empowered.

"I'm just saying that me and some of the boys down at the station plan to pursue this thing, you know, to get justice for your parents."

"Hmm, isn't that interesting. Justice you say? Might I suggest you stay far away from me and my fiancé here, otherwise justice just might come to find way of a sad accident."

His eyes look wary of her subtle threat. He backs off but I see the flash of anger in him. He may not let this go. I guess we'll have to findout.
