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Exhaling, Leo says, “You don’t know what you like yet.”

The knot in my throat grows thicker. He’s reading me like a book, and I don’t know if I like it. I swallow and subtly shake my head. This stranger has me all flustered and giddy.

“He keeps looking at you,” he says, and takes a puff of the cigarette before handing it off to me.

I shrug, dejection coasting through me. The tequila is hitting me in my emotions and making me say more than I probably should.

“He can look all he wants.” I take a puff and hand the cigarette back. “It will never be the same with him even if my heart wasn’t hurting.”

“If he wanted you back, would you go?”

No.It’s my first thought, and that surprises me. Regardless of how I’ve been mourning our relationship, the truth is, I couldn’t be with Tim again. Running into him solidifies that. My heart doesn’t feel the same toward him. I feel differently about him now. I’m hurt. He wanted to see if there was better out there when I should be the best thing in his life.

“No, I don’t think I could.” This night is starting to feel like a revelation. I meet Leo’s eyes. “You’re a good bestie fill-in, you know. Like I went to bestie therapy. I feel a little relieved.”

Leo takes a pull on the cigarette and hands it to me. “Stay with me tonight. Come back to my hotel room with me, and in return I’ll play the attentive boyfriend in front of Tim. I’ll make him regret his decision.”

I stare in utter shock. Leo doesn’t blink.

This sort of thing only ever happens in the movies.

My heart is pumping faster, and the urge to take him up on his offer is strong. This is what I need, right? A hot and dirty one-night stand. And to show Tim that I’m more than enough.

I’ll have to send Noelle my location if I go.

“What do you say?” he asks.

I bite my lip. A part of me wants to make Tim jealous. I want to show him what he’s missing out on. I’m a scorned woman, after all.

“Why?” I ask. “Why do this?”

“Why not?” he replies. “It’ll make for an eventful night, and we both get something out of it. Neither one of us have plans. I’m leaving to go back to Hawaii tomorrow. It’s the perfect no strings attached one-night stand.”

My chest flutters with temptation. I wonder if Leo ever considered law school with how persistent he is.

He leans in and lowers his voice as he says, “Let me be your first one-night stand so you have something to compare the others to.”

Heat rises to my cheeks. I try not to turn away. “You’re going to set the bar?”

Leo scoots closer to me, and I feel the heat of his body next to mine. I like the way temptation feels. It makes my chest burn with desire.

“Stay with me and find out.”

“I don’t even know how old you are.”

“Age is just a number. We’re both of age and consenting, and that’s all that matters.” He glances above my head quickly then back down to me. “Tim’s date just walked away. I presume to go to the restroom. I’m going to the men’s room. If Tim comes over here and talks to you while I’m gone, then you’re coming with me.” He looks over my head. “I’ll play the fake boyfriend either way. Make your decision quickly.”

It’s instant. “I’ll do it.”

“Time starts now.”

His eyes bear into mine with promises he intends to keep. Leo bends down and kisses the top of my forehead and then walks away.

Playing into this charade, I face forward and act like my ex isn’t in the bar. I doubt Tim will talk to me. I flag the bartender down and order a mixed drink.

“It’s good to see you, Trista,” Tim says.

I turn to my side as Tim slides into the empty barstool next to me. He looks over me, his tongue practically wagging. He made it a whole ten seconds before engaging, which surprises me since he’s here with a date. I really didn’t think we’d talk alone.

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