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Finn sighed. "Another time, perhaps."

Edward Keatings then sat down in an armchair across from them, nursing his glass.

"What do you know about Dolores Mayfield?" Finn asked gently.

Edward sighed and took a sip of his drink before regaining his composure. "I have known her since childhood," he said. "We were very close in our teenage years." His gaze lingered on the painting above the mantelpiece as he spoke.

He then fell silent for a moment before continuing. "I believe she may have come here recently as a guest of my sister, but I cannot be certain," he said finally. "It has been some time since I last saw her."

Finn could sense the sadness in Edward's voice as he spoke of Dolores' death.

"Was there a falling out?" Finn asked.

"Two young lovers," Edward smiled for the first time. "We had an intense love affair when we were 18 and then... Well... My attentions were drawn elsewhere."

"Why would she be visiting your sister if you split up years ago?" Amelia inquired.

"My sister Joseline was always close with Dolores," Edward said. "She didn't feel she should end their friendship on account of my wanderings."

Edward took a long, hard sip of his drink. He looked at his glass and said "poor Dolores" mournfully.

Then, he stood up, agitated. "Who in the hell would want to kill Dolores?"

"We were hoping you could help us with that," Finn explained.

Edward shook his head. "It's been over a decade since Dolores and I spoke with any real connection. I have no idea of her life and what might have gone wrong in it."

"Do you know anything about recent events or people that may be connected to both your distant cousin Helen Baxter or Dolores Mayfield?"

Edward shook his head sadly and put his glass down on the side table with a clink.

"I'm afraid not," he said softly. "I wish there was more I could tell you."

Finn nodded understandingly. "Could we speak with your sister?"

Edward nodded. "I'll show you the way." He stood up and motioned for them to follow him out of the sitting room and down another hallway, this one decorated with intricate floral wallpaper.

As they walked, Finn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was something about Edward's demeanor that seemed off, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Finally, they arrived at a set of heavy wooden doors, which Edward pushed open to reveal a grand library. Shelves upon shelves of books lined the walls, and a fireplace crackled merrily in one corner of the room.

A woman with long black hair was seated at a desk, engrossed in a thick tome. When she heard the door open, she glanced up and smiled warmly at Edward.

"Edward, my dear," she said as she rose from the desk. "How lovely to see you. Back from business?"

"Joseline," Edward said, greeting his sister with a kiss on the cheek. "These two are detectives

investigating the death of Dolores Mayfield. Inspector Amelia Winters and...

"Finn Wright," Finn added. "I'm a consultant detective with the Home Office."

"Of course..." Edward said. "They were hoping to ask you a few questions, Joseline."

Joseline's expression immediately turned serious. "Of course," she said, motioning for Finn and Amelia to take a seat in front of her desk. "What can I assist you with?"

"I'm very sorry," Amelia said softly. "But three bodies were found on the river near the castle after the flood."

"Oh, no," Joseline said, her voice starting to tremble as if knowing the implications.
