Page 26 of Rancher Daddies

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“We’ll do a check every morning, make sure you both have everything you need,” Dr. Beck says and waits for Sam’s response.

“Of course,” he replies. Because that’s how he’s always done it. But his smile is strained, and he’d like to tell the doctor to fuck off and stay away, to not get close to his submissive when they’ll both be so vulnerable.

“Great. We’ll see you then,” Dr. Beck says and leaves him to collect his submissive for the cycle ahead.


Craig’s file is unusual from the first page. First of all, it’s scanned from paper and has an experimental group on the bottom that he’s never seen before.

Which is a really bad fucking sign.

Some experiments, the ones that were really questionable, or had a high chance of failure, were off books. That means they were not put into the computer systems, and he’s wondering if Craig was one of those. It’s the only thing he can think of as to why his file would be so outdated and different.

There’s a picture of him from before the experiments. He is young and frail. In fact, he looks nothing like the giant Adonis of a man he just mated. He’s never seen such a drastic transformation. His heart sinks at the sight of him, the puzzle pieces fitting together already. This wasn’t a man the military would take if given the chance. It isn’t someone who’d get resources unless what he was going to undergo was extremely dangerous.

Everything they did must have hurt quite badly. He must have been willing to try anything, let the scientists do anything they wanted to just to have a chance at… what? Service? Health? Belonging? What motivated Craig to sign on the dotted line and give his body to the government?

In his picture, Craig stares into the camera and looks sad. Sam shouldn’t project and make up ideas about Craig, but he’d swear he can see the loneliness on his face, the desire to have someone he belongs to. As if he was submissive before the alterations.

For Craig’s sake, he hopes that wasn’t true. It does happen, of course it does. There have always been men with a desire to submit, and of course they want to be around rough, aggressive, Dominant men. But men who are naturally inclined to submit are treated differently than men without those inclinations for fear of them becoming too submissive. There’s nothing in his file that mentions an inclination to submit.

He turns the page, but from then on, there are lots of redactions. This means that whatever they did to him was likely illegal, top secret, experimental, or all of the above.

Sam doesn’t like seeing that and dislikes it even more when he realizes how alone Craig was. He had no family when he signed up for the military, no source of income, and very little schooling. It doesn’t say that Craig was desperate and easily taken advantage of, but that’s how Sam interprets it. He knows how the government works now and how much worse it used to be.

A boy that sick, alone, and impoverished? He might have agreed to anything to have a better future. He searches for Craig’s intake form and the psychiatric and medical evaluations that should be there, but they’re not in his file.

Hell, maybe they didn’t even do the intake forms. Back then, it was a free-for-all of exploitation and bodily autonomy violations. The experiments were unchecked, and historians have likened them to Nazi experiments that took place during World War Two. Life was cheap, progress was paramount, and trust in science outpaced ethics.

Everything is different now. Well, mostly.

Now, one negotiates with the military, and each modification and enhancement is discussed, explained, and legally binding on both sides. There’s a cooling-off period and risks, as well as side effects, are disclosed, and the information sessions are recorded so that there can be no misunderstandings later. The lawsuits have cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars and brought down two of the last five presidencies.

Senate investigations, protests that lasted weeks, tragic stories of military abuse—lots of people wonder if it’s worth it. But so much money poured into genetic engineering has also led to the eradication of several diseases and cancers. Most people will live to 120 now, and babies are rarely born with genetic diseases because the screenings developed by the military have a civilian purpose.

Much like people didn’t really want to stop stem cell research, they don’t really want to stop genetic engineering either. Especially so long as it’s done in removed and isolated military bases. Out of sight, out of mind.

What these modified men can accomplish is incredible. And the US government can’t scrap its genetic engineering program when the rest of the world won’t.

Genetic engineering has to continue, but the cost is high. The health consequences, the risk of permanent damage, and physical and/or mental trauma. They make sure the recruits have some idea of what they’re getting into. But the sexual adaptations, the creation of people who become Dominant and submissive and have atypical biological imperatives, might be the most shocking surprise of all.

Some say that the biological imperatives make it easier to control these dangerous men. A weakness that keeps the soldiers biddable.

Sam isn’t sure if that’s true.

But all attempts to eradicate the Dominant/submissive tendencies have had poor results, and as far as Sam knows, the government has given up on eradication of D/s designations.

Men like himself, who have cycles, knots, and barbs, are just part of the world. Unintended consequences of small sequences of animal DNA being integrated into human DNA to create physical advantages. Not all Dominants knot. Barbing is rare.

Submissive men who have glands in their anus, groin, and neck that have spontaneously mutated from normal, healthy cells to sources of pleasure and control are also part of the world.

It just isn’t talked about very much. And there are new mutations cropping up all the time. Sam suspects that submissive men have the most variation in their designations, and he’d bet money the government is doing its best to keep some of the more socially unpalatable changes hidden from the public.

He’s heard rumors of some submissive men who release so intensely they wet themselves, some submissive men who become chemically dependent upon their partner and need sex and submission on a daily basis just to survive the mental strain of the world. He’s heard of submissive men who become so weakened by their submission that they’re practically helpless. They’re called Lost Boys, but he’s never actually met one, nor any Dominant who’s met one, so maybe they don’t exist.

It’s uncomfortable and politically undesirable to have conversations with the public about the sexual needs of the men involved in protecting the country, and it seems like the conclusion everyone is happiest with is to pretend it isn’t happening.

It’s made the terminology awkward. Dominance and submission. Sadism and masochism. Hormones and toxic compounds that build up and have to come out. It’s cycling and releasing. The romantics and politicians refer to what goes on as mating. As if it’s animalistic, primal, a reversion to a more primitive but acceptable sexual biology.

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