Page 51 of Rancher Daddies

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Craig swallows past the lump in his throat.

“Anyway, from my discussions with Sam, he wants to ensure you know that he would be sheathed against barbing, which is basically just a glorified condom, and it isn’t something he’s ever experienced or craved. But it’s a condition that has to be disclosed to any sexual partner now that the hormone is active in his system.”

“So… it hurts? Is that a dumb question?”

“No, it’s a perfectly reasonable question, and one I would have too. You don’t let someone into your body without knowing the risks, Craig. All questions are good. My understanding is it would feel like pressure; it might feel like a bit of a pinch or potentially sharpness, but the submissive arousal response dims that pretty quickly. It’s the sexual frustration that submissives find intolerable. The knowledge that their Dominant is experiencing intense pleasure and they are not.”

“But he couldn’t have that without me. I’m giving him that,” Craig argues.

Robert smiles at him. “That is a very generous way of thinking about it. Sam is very lucky to have a submissive who is so oriented toward his pleasure. That’s a gift, Craig. And I do believe that Sam is a Dominant who would value that level of devotion and see it as the special gift it is.”

Would he? Would that be enough for Sam to claim him as his own?

“So, I take it that none of this has made you change your mind?”

“No, not at all,” Craig says.

Robert pulls up a bunch of disclosure forms on his data pad and goes through it with him. Craig signs the forms, and Robert asks if he has any other questions, but he doesn’t. It’s so much information to think about that he might have questions later, but right now, his mind is just buzzing.

“You have my number, so if you think of anything, do give me a call. I’ll answer any questions I can. Remember, Craig. A lot of these rules are designed for your protection. The military doesn’t have enough submissives, and we want to take care of the ones we do have. So don’t agree to anything you don’t want to and don’t feel like you need to give in to anything that makes you uncomfortable. You’re valuable; Dominants are a dime a dozen. Understand?”

“Yes. Thank you. That’s not how Hank put it. Or how it was thought of before.”

“There are people who disagree with me, but the military isn’t among them. And this is my department and what I know to be true, and I do my best to keep the focus on submissives and what is best for them.”

“Then you should get rid of Hank,” Craig says.

Robert frowns. He nods but doesn’t say more, and Craig takes that to mean that Robert would get rid of Hank if he could, but he can’t. His department isn’t nearly as settled as he’s pretending it is.

“If we wanted to be together, could we? Permanently?” Craig asks, unable to keep the question back.

“Of course. Submissives have rights and protections. You get to choose who you want to be with.”

“Is that ever hard?” Craig asks before he can stop himself.

Robert chuckles. “It can be. Those who are very submissive dislike having a lot of choices. But it’s the law. A worthwhile Dominant will make sure you have limitations that are meant to help you thrive and feel loved.”

Which makes Craig wonder about Robert. How he is with submissives and whether he has one of his own. If there are any who see him as anything other than a friend, an older brother type. The way he speaks of a Dominant knowing to reassure a submissive makes Craig curious and is the first indication that there might be something else under the “friend” exterior. Robert said he was a very high Dominant. What does that mean for him?

If Craig didn’t have so many questions about his own future, he’d ask. Maybe he can find out more when Robert puts the poker game together.


No two missions are the same. Even when they should be routine, there is always some variable that lends unpredictability. This time, the unpredictable variable is Sam.

Sam, and the fact that he has found himself bonded to Craig. Nothing like this has ever happened before. He usually meets a submissive, helps them through their cycle, and moves on to the next. He has submissives that he’ll see more than once, and that’s been fairly satisfying. But neither party wanted to spend time together outside of their cycle. And that’s what Sam has always wanted—a partner.

He might be the captain, but he needs a first mate.

But now he’s been with Craig, and he is counting down the hours until he can see him again. It’s regulation that a submissive gets a “cooling down period” away from the Dominant they spent their cycle with because hormones can make a submissive emotional, and sometimes they find it too difficult to say “no” to a Dominant when they’ve just spent the last several days saying “yes” to them.

The submissive has to choose the Dominant when they are not under a fog of hormonal compulsion to submit.

And Sam has always been fine with that. He goes on his missions, he usually has endless patience because he’s just gotten his rocks off and his hormones have returned to baseline, and that first mission after a cycle tends to be his favorite.

Not this time.

He has snapped at everyone on this mission. And now here he is, staring at the clock, unable to stop his heart from pounding and his dick from getting hard, and he’s made just enough mistakes that he probably should have been removed for his own (and maybe everyone else’s) safety.
