Page 10 of Fire Daddies

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“Thank you,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. I feel an overwhelming sense of vulnerability as I stand here in his room, wearing nothing but a towel.

I need to do this quickly, in and out.

As I begin browsing through Hudson’s clothing, I can’t help but think about how intimate this moment feels—sorting through his personal belongings, searching for something that would fit me. It’s something a girlfriend would do.

Not that I’m his girlfriend…nor do I plan on being his girlfriend any time soon.

I pull out a pair of spandex boxers that I doubt fit Hudson, although the idea of these covering up his…stop it.

“Need help?” he asks, getting up and heading over to me.

“Maybe,” I answer honestly.

“I have to warn you,” Hudson says with a playful grin as he rummages through his dresser. “I don’t think I have any shoes that will fit you.”

I laugh, feeling the tension between us dissipate slightly. “That’s okay, I still have the boots I was wearing the day of the fire. Honestly, I’m just grateful for anything you can lend me.”

“Let’s see what we can find then,” he replies, his eyes continuing to search through the contents of his drawers.

He then hands me a few things—some t-shirts that look like they haven’t fit him in years, the softest pair of sweatpants I’ve ever felt, a comfortable-looking hoodie, and some thick wool socks. “This should work for now. We’ll have to find something better later, though.”

“Really, Hudson, this is more than enough,” I assure him, taking the clothing from his hands. The fabric is soft and worn. It kind of reminds me of home.

“Alright, if you’re sure.” He gives me a gentle smile, his eyes lingering on mine for a moment before turning away.

“Thank you, Hudson, really,” I tell him, my heart swelling with gratitude for this man who has unexpectedly become my knight in shining armor.

With a grateful smile, I carry the clothes Hudson handed me toward my bedroom.

“Of course, Harper. Anything for you,” he replies with a warm smile that makes my heart flutter.

As I pull on the sweatpants, I notice they’re a bit loose around the waist, but they’ll do for now. The t-shirt is slightly snug across my chest, but it feels comforting—like a gentle embrace. I can’t imagine it ever fitting Hudson with his broad chest and strong arms. The scent of Hudson’s cologne lingers on the fabric, filling me with a sense of safety and reassurance.

I take one last look in the mirror. “Ready?” I ask as I open the bathroom door, stepping out into the living area.

Hudson turns to face me, and his gaze sweeps over my borrowed attire. A crooked grin forms on his lips as he takes me in. “You look…cozy.”

“Your clothes are surprisingly comfortable,” I admit, feeling a strange mix of vulnerability and satisfaction at his approving gaze.

“Harper, I have to say, you look gorgeous even in my oversized clothes.” Hudson’s voice is deep and genuine as he takes me in. The loose sweatpants hang low on my hips, and the t-shirt barely grazes my mid-thigh.

“Thank you.” I blush, feeling flattered yet vulnerable under his intense gaze. His compliment gives me a rush of warmth that tingles throughout my body.

“Since you’re looking so stunning, how about we go somewhere fancy for dinner?” Hudson proposes with an air of excitement. He seems eager to indulge me, and I can’t deny the allure of being pampered by this intriguing man.

I bite my lip, pondering the idea for a moment before responding. “As tempting as that sounds, I think I’d prefer something more casual. I mean, let’s be real, despite what you say, I’m not really dressed for the occasion.”

Hudson chuckles, his laughter deep and enticing. “In that case, I know the perfect place for our date.” The look in his eyes is both playful and reassuring, a combination that sends shivers down my spine.

“It’s not a date,” I remind him.

“Of course not,” he replies, holding up his hand as if taking an oath.

“You promise?”

“I, Hudson Ledger, solemnly swear to take you, Harper, to a casual dining experience worthy of your preferences, but it is not a date.”

I can’t help but laugh at his theatrics, and the sound seems to please him as much as it does me. “Well, then I guess I have no choice but to trust you.”
