Page 11 of Fire Daddies

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“Trust is important,” Hudson adds on.

As he grabs his coat and opens the door for me to leave his apartment, I notice how his movements are fluid, yet deliberate—like a predator stalking its prey. “Shall we?” Hudson asks, extending his arm toward me in a gentlemanly gesture that feels almost out of place in our casual surroundings.

“Absolutely,” I reply. I quickly put on Hudson’s cozy hoodie to protect me from the December chill outside, and then link my arm with his. The heat from his body is intoxicating, making me feel as though the air around us is charged with electricity. I can only imagine what it might be like to truly touch him, skin on skin, and the thought makes my breath catch in my throat.



The neon lights of the fast-food joint cast a warm glow on Hudson’s chiseled features as he pulls up to the intercom. The hum of his car engine vibrates through me. I never thought I’d find myself in this situation—alone with Hudson, the most attractive man…well, one of the most attractive men I’ve ever laid eyes on considering his friends, and at a fast-food drive-thru no less.

“Is this more what you were thinking?” Hudson asks, his voice a seductive purr that wraps around me like a satin ribbon. He smirks, knowing full well that I much prefer this over some fancy restaurant where I wouldn’t fit in anyway.

I laugh, the sound airy and bubbly, like champagne. “Yes, this is perfect,” I reply, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. It’s as if Hudson has managed to read my mind, knowing exactly what I crave without me needing to say a word.

“What can I get for you two tonight?” a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.

Hudson turns his attention back to me, his gaze intense and unwavering. Suddenly, I’m acutely aware of how close we’re sitting, our knees nearly touching in the confined space of his luxurious car. I can feel the electricity between us, a charged current that threatens to consume us both.

“Alright, what do you want?” Hudson’s voice is a low rumble that sends tingles down my spine as he studies me, waiting for my response.

“Umm, I’ll have a juicy double patty burger, fries, and a milkshake,” I say, trying to sound casual despite the way my heart races at our close proximity. My mouth waters just thinking about sinking my teeth into that burger, but the more that I think about it, the more I realize that the burger might not be the only thing I’m craving.

“Great choice,” Hudson compliments, his gaze lingering on me before he relays the order to the intercom. “And I’ll have the same,” he tells the intercom, a smirk playing on his lips. “It’s been ages since I’ve had fast food.”


“It’s not exactly the healthiest food for you.”

“Who cares about health? You’ve been missing out!” I exclaim, unable to hide my excitement.

“Maybe so,” he agrees with a chuckle. “But tonight’s the night that we don’t count the calories.”

The total for our meal flashes on the screen, and I reach for my pocket. “Let me get this,” I offer, feeling the weight of the cash in my wallet. It’s not much, but the least I can do is pay for our dinner.

“Don’t even think about it,” he tells me. “I don’t mind, seriously.”

There’s clearly no arguing with him.

As Hudson hands the cashier his credit card, a heavy weight settles in my chest. I try to ignore it, but thoughts of my dwindling bank account and overdue bills creep into my mind. I haven’t been able to secure a steady income since leaving my ex, and every expense feels like another nail in my financial coffin.

“Pull up for me. We’re making your food fresh,” the worker tells us.

“Perfect, thank you.”

My heart races as I imagine the consequences of my money troubles—unable to find a new home, struggling to provide for my children. I feel trapped, a sinking sensation pulling me under.

What am I supposed to do next?I’ve been thinking about this question since I was in the hospital, yet I’m no closer to having an answer to it.

“Everything alright?” Hudson asks, concern etched on his handsome face. He must have noticed my sudden shift in mood, and I can tell he’s trying to figure out how to help. But how can he, when he doesn’t know anything about me?

“Fine,” I lie, forcing a smile. “Just lost in thought.”

“About what?” he presses gently, leaning toward me with genuine interest.

“Nothing important,” I say quickly, desperate to change the subject to something else,anythingelse. “So, what’s your favorite guilty pleasure movie?”

“Ah,” Hudson chuckles, picking up on my need to lighten the mood. “That would beThe Wedding Singer. Can’t resist a bit of cheesy Adam Sandler romance.”
