Page 22 of Fire Daddies

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She grins. “I always knew you had a crush on me. It’s not like you were exactly hiding it when you came to my bakery.”

I laugh, shaking my head. So, she’s known all along, huh?

“I’ve always been one to be discreet,” I say sarcastically.

“Clearly,” she laughs.

Just as I’m about to kiss her again, the sound of a throat clearing echoes through the kitchen. My eyes snap open and I reluctantly pull away from Harper, turning around to find Hudson leaning against the doorframe with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at his intrusion but can’t help the small smile that forms on my lips.

“Really, Hudson?” I say, trying to sound annoyed despite the amusement in my voice. “You couldn’t have given us another minute?”

“Hey, I didn’t want to interrupt the show,” he replies, chuckling. “But a man’s gotta eat, you know? And it smells amazing in here.”

A part of me is upset that we’ve been interrupted, as I think about what could have happened between us. However, the other part of me is happy Hudson came in, so he could see the truth.There’s something going on between Harper and me. See it and weep.

Harper blushes brightly, clearly flustered by Hudson’s sudden appearance. She quickly busies herself with arranging the freshly baked cinnamon rolls on a plate while I take a deep breath, attempting to calm my racing heart.

Why did she respond like that? And why is Hudson staring at her like she’s a Christmas gift he’s excited to unwrap?

“Breakfast will be ready soon,” she mutters, avoiding eye contact with both of us.

“Take your time, sweetheart,” Hudson says smoothly, sauntering over to the counter and taking a seat on one of the stools. “I’m just glad I didn’t miss all the action.”

I shoot him a glare, knowing full well he’s teasing me. But I can’t deny that there’s a part of me that enjoys this banter between us. It’s a reminder of our close friendship and how comfortable we are with each other—even in moments like this.

“Next time, try knocking before entering,” I suggest, only half-joking.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Hudson responds, grinning. “Besides, I thought you two might need some supervision.”

“Very funny,” I retort, joining him at the counter. I glance back at Harper, who seems more composed now as she puts the finishing touches on the cinnamon rolls. Her cheeks are still flushed, but she’s focused on her task, and I can’t help but admire her determination.

“Can’t deny that it was pretty hot, though,” Hudson adds in a low voice, just for me to hear. “You two have some serious chemistry. Almost as much chemistry as?—”

“Hudson!” Harper says his name with wild eyes.

They’re hiding something, and I want badly to know what it is.

“Alright, alright,” Hudson concedes, raising his hands in mock surrender. “I’ll drop it…for now.”

Drop what? So, somethingdidhappen between them?

I watch as Harper’s gaze shifts between me and Hudson, her eyes lingering on him a moment longer than necessary. The air in the room is thick with unspoken tension, and I wonder what’s going through her mind. It’s clear that our kiss hasn’t gone unnoticed by her, and somehow, it feels like there’s more at stake here than just breakfast.

“Alright,” Harper says, her voice a little shaky but determined nonetheless. “Breakfast is ready.” She sets the plate of cinnamon rolls on the table, filling the room with their enticing scent. My mouth waters at the sight of them, golden brown and glistening with icing.

“Those look amazing,” Hudson compliments, his eyes locked on the rolls as if they hold the key to some great mystery. I can see the gears turning in his head, and I know he’s thinking about how best to navigate this new dynamic between the three of us.

“Thanks,” Harper replies, a small smile playing on her lips. Finally, we all help ourselves to the warm, gooey treats. As I bite into one, the flavors explode in my mouth—sweet, spicy, and utterly decadent. Harper has truly outdone herself, and I can’t help but marvel at her talent.

We eat in companionable silence for a while, the atmosphere still charged but less tense than before. I steal glances at Harper, noticing the way she nibbles delicately on her cinnamon roll, her fingers leaving trails of icing on the plate. There’s something almost hypnotizing about the way she moves, and it takes all my self-control not to reach out and touch her.

“Harper, these are incredible,” I finally say, breaking the silence. “You really have a gift.”

“Thank you, Benedict,” she replies, her eyes meeting mine for a brief moment before darting away. “I’m glad you like them.”

“Like them?” Hudson chimes in, grinning. “I think I’m in love.” He winks at Harper playfully, and I feel a twinge of jealousy at their easy rapport. It’s clear that there’s something between them, even if neither of them is willing to tell me exactly what it is.

“Alright, don’t get too carried away,” I tease, trying to lighten the mood. “We still have a long day ahead of us.”

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