Page 23 of Fire Daddies

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“Hey, Harper,” Hudson says, leaning back in his chair and wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Did you know that all three of us are firefighters?”

“It makes sense now,” she comments, her eyes lighting up with genuine interest. “That’s amazing! I’m sure you guys must have so many incredible stories to tell.”

“Sure do,” I chime in, smiling at her enthusiasm. “It’s a tough job, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.”

“Wow,” she breathes, her gaze flicking between Hudson and me, a hint of awe in her expression. “I’ve always admired firefighters. The courage and selflessness you exhibit every day…it’s just incredible.”

“Thanks, Harper,” Hudson responds, his cheeks flushing slightly from her praise. “But honestly, working alongside these two makes it all worthwhile.”

“Agreed,” I reply, nodding my head. “We’re more than just colleagues—we’re like brothers.”

Brothers who might be vying for the attention of the same girl…

A comfortable silence settles over our small gathering as we continue to eat. Harper’s fascination with our profession is endearing, and I feel a swell of pride for what we do. Yet, beneath the surface, the undercurrent of desire and temptation remains.

“Hey, where’s Antonio?” Hudson suddenly asks, scanning the room for our absent roommate.

“He got called in early this morning for a meeting,” I explain, immediately catching Harper’s curious glance. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back later today.”

“Ah, got it,” Hudson nods, taking another bite of his cinnamon roll.

Harper’s fingers brush against mine as she reaches for her coffee cup, sending shivers down my spine. I try to focus on our conversation, but her touch ignites a fire within me that’s hard to ignore.

“Seems like you guys have a really tight bond,” she says softly, her eyes locked onto mine. “I’m glad I get to be a part of it, even if it’s just for a little while.”

“Who knows?” Hudson interjects with a wink. “Maybe you’ll find yourself sticking around longer than you think.”

The way he looks at her, the simmering tension between them—it’s impossible to miss. And as much as I hate to admit it, I feel the weight of jealousy bearing down on me.

“Hey, speaking of Antonio,” Hudson suddenly says, breaking the silence. “He mentioned that your clothes got ruined in the fire, right, Harper?”

Harper’s cheeks flush at the mention, and she nods hesitantly. “Yeah, I didn’t have much left after…you know.”

“Then why don’t you and Benedict go shopping for some new clothes today?” Hudson suggests, his mischievous grin igniting a spark of excitement within me. “You’re going to need something besides my oversized shirts to wear while you’re here.”

“Really?” Harper’s eyes widen, her vulnerability evident. “I couldn’t possibly impose like that…”

“Harper,” I interject, my voice firm yet gentle. “We want to help you. And besides,” I add with a playful smile, “I don’t mind at all. And Hudson’s clothes don’t do you any justice.” That’s not the whole truth…I can still see her curves underneath, asking to be touched.

She laughs softly, her blush deepening as she glances between us. The thought of spending the day alone with her, helping her find new outfits, sends a thrill through me. In this moment, I crave the intimacy of sharing such an experience with her, of being there for her when she needs someone most.

“Alright,” she finally agrees, her fingers nervously twisting the hem of Hudson’s shirt. “I guess it could be fun.”

“Great!” Hudson claps his hands together, the satisfaction in his voice unmistakable. “I can clean up here. Just promise me you’ll bring me back some lunch, okay?”

“Deal,” I confirm, my heart racing as the anticipation of our upcoming shopping trip begins to build. As we clear the table and wash the dishes, my mind races with possibilities—the sight of her trying on clothes, the brush of her skin against mine as we peruse the racks together, the heat of her breath on my neck as she whispers her thanks.

But why did Hudson tell me to go instead of coming along himself? Is it because he knows about my feelings for her, or is he up to something else?

“Why don’t you join?” I question.

He smirks. “Busy.”

Suddenly, I remember. “Ahh…date with Sophie, huh?”

Hudson doesn’t respond, just keeps a silly little grin on his face that makes it clear that I’m right in my thinking. Maybe there’s nothing going on between him and Harper like I’d thought.

Clearly that’s not the case though, because I see her staring at him intently with…is that sadness in her gaze?
