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She grunted and gave in. “I slept well. I always do.”

“Glad to hear it.” Under his breath, he added, “Would hate for you to wake up with a crick in your neck.”

Sarcasm. Perfect.

His posture remained stiff when she settled into the couch behind him. An apex predator, Kaien would inherently dislike anyone being out of his eyeline or able to catch him unaware. Blair was of the same mind.

Beside her, a book was laid flat over the leather surface of the armrest, the binding spanned open to the page he’d obviously left it on before he stoked the hearth.

Curious, she tilted her head to read the title.The Old Man and the Sea.A classic, of course. Smirking, she looked back at the man in front of her. Intense eyes were trained on the waning flames, expertly tending the fire to keep the cabin warm.

Licking her lips, she leisurely appreciated the long, lean lines of his frame. The massive Raeth male’s biceps bulged beneath the grey T-shirt he wore, and the thin material did nothing to dampen his powerful sexual pull.

She hungered for him, in more ways than one. Even she could admit it.

“I need more blood, Kaien.”

Finishing his work, Kaien stood, straightening to all six foot five of his towering height. Slowly, he closed the distance between them to stand above where she sat perched on one end of the sofa.

His nearness prickled enticingly against her skin, beckoning her to snuggle into his chiseled frame. She peered up at him under her eyelashes, every cell of her body riveted to the man in front of her. As his lips parted, she found herself drawn to him, unconsciously leaning forward to catch his words.

“Well,” the slow word was a caress against her ears, his deep voice rumbling from his chest, “you’re welcome to go find a bear to nibble on. I’ve learned my lesson, vampire.”

He plopped down on the other end of the couch and took his book, becoming far too interested in it and studiously ignoring her.

Blair’s nose scrunched up, spiteful. “If you’re expecting me to get on my knees and grovel, you’re very much mistaken.”

“Wouldn’t want you to get your pants dirty.”

Crossing her arms in a huff, she jerked her attention away from him. He was the one who’d brought her to a cabin in the middle of nowhere. He was the one who’d taken the liberty of stealing a kiss. He was the one who’d taken what should have been a rudimentary offer of sustenance and turned it into a make-out fest.

Butshewas the one who’d reacted poorly and injured him in the process.

Blair took a breath, suddenly realizing what she needed to do. “I’m sorry. I promise not to knee you in the jewels this time.”

“I’m not your personal blood slave, vampire,” Kaien breathed, but his voice wasn’t angry. “As soon as I can teleport again, I’m dumping you at a local blood bank.”

His wrist appeared in the corner of her eye. Offered freely, Kaien’s delectable wrist hovered before her in stiff expectation. Nothing if not formal. As Blair chanced a glance toward him, he remained focused on his book, his face utterly impassive while his eyes scrolled through the page. He hadn’t so much as moved a muscle other than his proffered arm.

Feeling unseemly, she gently wrapped her fingers around his wrist. The masculine spice of his skin tickled her nose, her eyes shooting over to him once more. No change.

Did shewanthis eyes on her as she sampled the delectable nectar of his blood? Did she want to feel the weight of his gaze while she partook in the intimacy that was a blood kiss?

And if so, why?

Blair had never cared for the reactions of those she drank from—other than ensuring they didn’t feel pain or fright. So why did she care that Kaien was indifferent?

Pressing her lips together in a firm line, she allowed the lengthening of her incisors in anticipation. Awkwardness crawled over her skin at the impersonal exchange, but regardless of their feelings toward each other, she needed sustenance.

Her fangs sunk into his wrist. Blood welled on her tongue, the rich syrup coating her mouth instantly. Savoring every drop, she hid her obvious pleasure at his taste behind the curtain of her hair.

Every delicious drop teased her taste buds. Nothing had ever been so satisfying as Kaien’s blood; this she knew without a doubt. Gulping feverishly, she once more belatedly identified the wild idea that floated in her bloodstream, begging her to drain him to the quick.

But she never would. She owed Kaien that much.

He had, of course, saved her life, and she’d yet to thank him. In fact, she’d done the opposite. Kaien had removed her from danger, cured her wound to his own detriment, and freely offered her his blood. As his resounding merit played on the canvas of her mind, she felt a sinking shame.

Kaien hadn’t so much as moved a muscle since she’d begun drinking from him. In fact, he seemed to be bracing against her, trying not to impede her feed.
