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The sentiment was met with silence, the repercussions of such a weapon vast and daunting. Nero’s features pinched as he processed the development, tugging at the collar of his shirt before he spoke next.

“We have to tell the other members of the peace accords. Knowing what we do now, both the wolf and Raeth societies are at risk.”

Stoic, Nina nodded and crossed her arms, lips parting to speak. But before she could, Kaien’s ragged cough sounded from the floor. Instantly, all eyes were on him.

Kaien’s dark eyes flipped open before he jolted to the side and coughed violently, blood spilling onto the floor from between his lips. The healers around him steadied his shoulders, concerned, while his hand braced against the floorboards. But even as the Raeth male righted himself, his panicked eyes locked on Blair’s with desperation.

“Torrin’s given the order—” garbled words as he dragged a jagged breath into his damaged lungs. “—to attack Luc’s House. Go—go to them.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Everycellinhisbody wept in misery as Kaien tried to peel himself off the floor where he’d woken. Serrated blades bit into his muscles, shuddering pitifully with his attempt to rise. His lungs, barely functioning, gasped for air, but there was no relief when he drew in a breath. Instead, it felt as though he was inhaling mouthfuls of shattered glass.

Three pairs of hands restrained him from climbing to his feet, but even their light touches sent agony flaring through the fried nerves of his skin. Their palms, their fingertips, their hesitant grasp—everywhere contact was made, visceral torment seared through him.

Burning alive.

That’s what it felt like.

Abandoning his attempt to stand, Kaien collapsed back onto the unforgiving flooring of Nina’s home a second before Blair’s face appeared in his wavering vision. All he could do was stare at her, drained, pathetic, and so very weary.

Eyes wide, her perfect features were twisted in concern and fear—undoubtedly, he surmised, for Lucius. He wanted to tell her it would be okay, that Lucius would survive, that his House and the vampires within could be saved if they moved quickly. But his tongue felt glued to the roof of his mouth, and his throat stuffed with cotton and parched for a drop of water.

Depleted and unable to comfort her, all he could do was let the healers around him continue their work.

“Kaien.” A melancholy cry followed the single word that’d escaped Blair’s lips. If it were possible for a word to hold more admonishment, passion, and worry, Kaien would never believe it. “You stupid, stupid man.”

His heart caught in his throat, and against everything, he fought past the inability to speak and ground out three words. “I failed you.”

His voice was barely recognizable.

Blair’s features cracked a second before she gently cupped his face in her hands. “You’ve never failed me, Kaien.” A dogged shake of her head while she maintained steady eye contact. “Why would you go and risk your life when I’ve just made the decision to spend the rest of mine with you?”

The impact of her words hit him like a freight train, his mind reeling from the shock of what she’d said, but his physical body could make no move, no acknowledgement of hearing her.

Soft caresses tickled down the sides of his face, her delicate touch chasing away the agony that yet lingered in his tissues. Her sapphire blue eyes were locked on his, and all at once, he realized the devastating concern he saw there wasn’t for Lucius, it was forhim.

“I’m sorry.”

What was left of Blair’s resolve shattered. Her lips descended on his, the sensitive flesh making contact with his in the lightest of kisses. Kaien dissolved into her taste, her fragrance, her light. Had he been standing, his knees would’ve given out at the sheer magnitude of the affection that blasted into him through the bond.

Breathless, Blair pulled away, regret lacing every inch of her seductive beauty. “You will heal. You will survive for me. Or, so help me, Raeth, I’ll drag you back from the throes of death and kill you all over again.”

Luna, Nero’s healer, gave a rueful laugh. “Survive he will, but his pain is liable to last for weeks, if not longer.”

It was nothing Kaien didn’t already know, but Blair’s hands fisted in his shirt, her face paling at the healer’s words. “But you’re healing him?”

“I’m removing what I can of the layer of silver that lines his lungs and trachea,” Luna cast him an apologetic smile, “and I can heal the damage it’s already done, but the microscopic silver particles that made their way into his blood will need time to cleanse.”

“Thank you, Luna—for healing me. I’ll be fine, Blair.”

Kaien tenderly stroked her hand, but the retched fit of coughing that followed the sentiment did little to support his assertion.

Electricity jabbed through the air, tinging it with urgency. Nero and Nina both straightened in concentration, the telepathy clearly aimed at them. After listening for a beat, they glanced at each other.

“Luc’s House has been attacked.” Nina manifested her black and white fighting leathers onto her frame, Nero following suit. “Isaiah is on site and has requested assistance.”

Kaien caught the look of utter panic that tore through Blair’s features, the desperation and fear that flooded through their ghosting bond. Clutching at her hand was the only reassurance he could offer her, the ache of his current helplessness eating at him.
