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She went to strike at a wayward mercenary who’d entered her purview and paused as his body became rigid. A second later, the mercenary slumped to the ground with no outward signs of trauma.

Blair didn’t have to feel for a pulse to know he was dead.

Around them, humans began dropping like flies. Confused, Blair sought out the source of the masterful pulse of energy that beat abrasively against her skin. To her surprise, much of the battlefield was now quiet save the humans still on the approach from the west.

Nina and Isaiah had completed the mass teleports, and now, the two powerful Raeth sovereigns had entered the fight. Or rather, had taken over.

Without sparing them a single look, Nina sprinted past where Blair stood with Lucius above Kaien’s seated form, and made her way headlong into the human mercenaries, katana in hand. Isaiah, hot on her heels, flashed Blair a malicious grin in passing that made her shiver.

Stock still, Blair could only watch as the two Raeth sovereigns began decimating what was left of the opposition. Quicker than her eyes could track, the pair dove straight into the mass of mortals with a carnal glee she hadn’t known either possessed.

Certain they were safe for the moment, Blair desperately turned her attention to Kaien. She cautiously crouched beside him, her emotions awash with fear and fury. The sniper’s bullet had ripped a broken path through the muscle of his right arm, the exit wound a tangle of tissue and blood.

Placing her hands directly over the tattered center of the wound to staunch the flow of blood, she glanced at his unnaturally pale face and bit her lip.

“I swear,” an overly jovial voice commented from beside her, “you can never stay out of trouble.”

Blair glancing up to see Remmus hovering over them, but the man’s genial smile was for his best friend. Kaien merely said, “I’ll be fine, Blair.”

Lucius crouched down beside Kaien and frowned at the site of the injury, taking stock of the blood that was tinged with a violet orange. “Sunlight bullet. You saved my life.”

“You would’ve done the same for me,” was Kaien’s only reply.

“The healers are arriving.”

Remmus pivoted to hail a blonde-haired woman over toward Kaien. Luna, Nero’s healer, appeared seconds later and began searching the battlefield for vampires or Raeths that needed attention. The blonde-haired woman crouched by Kaien’s side.

“There are others that need attention before me, Jaeda,” Kaien started. “I can manage.”

“You’ll bled out and be no good to anyone if I don’t do something about your spurting artery,” she snapped. “Besides, I have a feeling we’ll need you with Nina sooner rather than later.”

“Jaeda, please take care of Kaien,” Lucius implored. “He saved my life.”

Determination filled Jaeda’s eyes as she gently moved Blair’s hands aside. “I know Kaien is your mate, Blair, but I need to tend him before he loses too much blood. It may be better for you to move away so you don’t attack me.”

Recoiling from Jaeda’s apparent omniscience, Blair rocked back on her heels. She sent a quizzical look toward Lucius. The small smile he offered her told her everything she needed to know: that Kaien would indeed be safe with the healer.

With a rueful sigh, Blair surged to her feet. While she was tempted to remain close to Kaien, she knew the battle was still raging. “We will assist Nina and Isaiah in clearing the field.”

Though Lucius followed her motion, none of the Raeths moved. A heavy hand cupped her shoulder in the seconds that followed, and Blair shot a dark look to the Raeth who’d silently appeared behind her.

“No, Blair.” Nero’s dark eyes were focused on where the two other Raeth sovereigns were yet battling the hoard of mercenaries. “Nina and Isaiah are of destruction.”

Blair shrugged off his grip and flashed her lengthened incisors. “They need help!”

“No, vampire,” he reiterated, the weighty impact of his near obsidian gaze coming to rest fully on her. “Both sovereigns are too entrenched in their craft to distinguish friend from foe. We must wait for the battle to stop before we intervene.”

When Blair opened her mouth to negate the sentiment, Nero gave a sharp shake of his head. “Should you join them now, they will cut you down without blinking an eye.”

Blair scoffed. “Nina is my sire. She would never—”

“She would, Blair.” Kaien’s quiet comment had her hesitating. “They are born of destruction.”

“Both Isaiah and Nina have expended a vital amount of psychic energy mass teleporting Luc’s people to safety,” Nero explained. “That energy typically holds back the madness that is their destructive nature. Once their reserves have been depleted, the urge to give in to the repressed part of their spirit is insurmountable. Until they go into recoil, they are lost to us. They need no assistance. This is what they were born to do.”

Snapping her head back to where the two Raeths continued their path of devastation, Blair stared. Flawlessly executed, both sovereigns were functioning as faultless weapons, tools of destruction that no opponent could overcome. No bullets penetrated the barrier layer of telekinesis they wore. No daggers or fists landed on their physical forms.

They were beauty in motion. Dangerous. Destructive. And unfailingly lethal.
