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“That’s it!” Celeste shrieked, nearly spilling her champagne as she jolted upright, her cotton-candy-colored braids flipping over her shoulder. “Kaien is gonna flip when he sees you.”

A chorus of approvals rang through the air, and Blair dropped cash for it no less than ten minutes later. For one who’d waited eight centuries for her wedding, the exquisite dress had been seemingly made for her, and she wasn’t about to waste the opportunity.

By the time Blair had made it back to their home in Blaede clan territory, she was certain she hadn’t given her almost-fiancé enough time to procure the quintessential rock she’d alluded to.

Kaien, however, had a trick up his sleeve.

Before she was able to make it back to their home, Remmus appeared directly in her path. The Raeth shot her a sly smirk before grabbing her shoulder. “Come with me, Blair.”

When she opened her mouth to speak, she was caught by the dizzying sensation of his teleport—and her abrupt kidnapping.

Instead of loosening her arm to whack Remmus across the face when they solidified, she paused at the recognizable surroundings. The summer oasis before her was one she’d frequented often, the blissful space a nook of the world untouched by mortals.

Before her was a familiar lake, a wooden bench carved out of a fallen pine lingering forgotten by the shore.

“How did he know…”

The question had been posed to Remmus, but the troublesome Raeth had already disappeared. Instead, she was greeted by the dazzling good looks of her mate, wrapped up in a devilishly seductive three-piece suit.

“I’ve been checking in on you, remember? Your favorite places aren’t foreign to me, and this one—I know it means a great deal to you.”

Kaien’s dark brown eyes glinted at her despite the low light of the Wyoming dusk. Cocking an elbow out to her with a gentlemanly air, he dutifully led her to the dry bench that’d been cleared of any weeds or debris within a five-foot radius.

Inwardly, Blair’s heart was fluttering at the blatant romance, but that didn’t stop her from quirking her lips to the side. “Mighty bold of you to kidnap a Raeth’s mate.”

“I’ll put in a good word with him.” Winking, he released her to sit side by side on the bench, then wrapping his tuxedoed arm around her shoulders. “My beautiful mate. I’ve loved you since I first saw you, Blair, and I’ve cherished every moment we’ve been together.”

His lips delicately pressed into her forehead in a loving caress of affection, the action making her shiver in a way that had nothing to do with the weather. When Kaien lightly traced his fingers over her arm, Blair nestled her head into the nook of his shoulder, sighing in contentment.

The last time she’d visited this place, she’d been utterly alone. Blair had had no place to call home, no anchor to right her when the waves tumbled overhead and threatened to envelop her. She’d been sinking, adrift, through the inky black seas of life and pretending she enjoyed the solitude.

It’d been a lie; one that she could freely admit now. One that she could easily discern in hindsight.

“I love you, Kaien.” The words left her mouth before she’d acknowledged the depth of her affection for him. Nestling her closer, the man by her side took her hand.

Cool metal encircled her ring finger as her mate gradually shimmied it onto her hand. “Be my wife, Blair?”

She gasped when she looked at the gorgeous ring that he’d given her. Intricate diamonds wreathed the main stone, highlighting the classic beauty of the cut. Crystal clear, the massive diamond was breathtaking, and more than a little extravagant.

The Raeth had undoubtedly gone all out.

Beaming without reservation, Blair gazed up at her devilishly handsome mate, adoring every facet of the man before her. “Forever.”
