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My mother and Clara are standing by the door. I open the door and step out of the car as soon as it comes to a halt. I rush up to my mother, pulling her into a hug, and the floodgates open. Tears stream down both our faces as I hold her close. The years seem to melt away as I feel the warmth of her embrace. She has aged, her once vibrant hair now streaked with silver, and lines etched on her face, but her eyes hold the same love and pain that have always been there.

I release her and look into her eyes, unable to speak for a moment. The distance of years is too great, and words feel inadequate. She holds my face tightly in her hands and draws them in for a kiss.

Then, I turn to Clara. She is no longer the little girl I left behind. She is now a young woman, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions that mirror my own. I pull her into a tight hug, overwhelmed by the need to hold my family close.

It is Clara who finally breaks the silence, her voice filled with emotion. “Derrick, it’s been so long. We’ve missed you.”

I respond with a nod. “How’s Jack?” I ask, regarding my junior brother.

“He’s out of town,” Clara responds. “But his family is doing well.”

“Family?” I exclaim, thinking of how much time has swept past me. I clasp my mother and sister in another hug; I had missed them so much, and did not realize it.

I turn to see Amber and Alex step out of the car. They watch this reunion with a mix of curiosity and respect. To my family, they must appear as strangers, and I know there is a lot to explain. As my family glances at Amber and Alex, I can feel their curiosity.

“Are they your. . .” my mother begins to ask.

“Oh no, no,” I say, laughing while I wipe the tears that have pooled in my eyes. “Mom, Clara, this is Amber, my new love, I met in Japan,” I say, choosing my words carefully. “And this is Alex, her nephew.”

The moment of realization and comprehension is clear on their faces, and they greet Amber and Alex warmly. My mother is the first to break the ice, and she smiles at Amber, her eyes filled with kindness. “Welcome to our home, Amber. It’s lovely to meet you.”

Clara echoes the sentiment, her gaze shifting to Alex. “Hi, Alex. We’re glad you’re here.”

The ice has been broken, and we are no longer strangers. It is a testament to my family’s understanding and warmth that they accept Amber and Alex without hesitation. We enter the house, leaving behind the weight of uncertainty, and instead, embrace the sense of homecoming and reconciliation.

We decide to spend some time together. So, in the days that follow, my mother and Clara share stories of what happened in my absence. We talk about my father, who had just passed away a few days before my arrival, and the grief we have all experienced, each in our own way. They also learn about my time in Japan, the tsunami, the earthquake, and the unexpected bonds I have formed. It doesn’t take long before my mother and Lisa have grown fond of Amber and Alex.

We use the time to plan my father’s burial. We fix the date for a week later. We decide it’s going to be a small, family event. In the course of preparation, my brother, Jack returns. We spent some time bonding and getting over all the time we’d missed out on in each other’s lives. Amber and Alex are involved in the preparations and when the burial happens, it comes and goes in a blur. I have so many mixed emotions, a part of me is glad he passed before I got back, but there is a part of me that wishes I could have seen his face and made my peace with him before he left.

After the burial, we put on a little party. We invited a few guests and friends. Gently glowing lanterns and soft music create an ambience of both solemnity and hope. The room is filled with familiar faces, some I haven’t seen in years, and others who’ve been part of my life in Japan—Amber and Alex.

The air is filled with the savory aroma of fried chicken and salad, mingling with the comforting scent of cheesecake and barbecued ribs.

Soft laughter and conversation fill the space. The room is tastefully decorated with photographs. Pictures of my father. None of us would have ever thought that we would honor my father this way. We all probably had a change of heart because of the good his death did—bringing us together, and leaving us with his hard-earned fortune.

Alex, our energetic little dynamo, has already made friends with the other children at the party. Their laughter and play add a youthful vitality to the atmosphere.

After a while of exchanging pleasantries, I walk up to Amber. She’s in an elegant, yet understated, blue dress. Her hair is tied up in a bun and she moves gracefully through the room. She turns to look at me and I give her a wink, then I take a glass and clink it with my key.

Everyone turns to me, and I raise my glass, asking everyone to cheer for my father.

“Also, I have something else to say.” Everywhere gets quiet and I continue. “So, over the years, I’ve struggled with turmoil in my heart. I’ve caged it in and channeled my pains into several things. I had been scarred for a long time. But then someone came into my life. And she came in with light. And just within a few months, I’m a totally different man.”

I turn to look at Amber, who’s staring at me, probably wondering what will happen next.

Chapter Twenty


Amidtheminglingvoicesand laughter in the party hall, I find myself drawn into Derrick’s storytelling. His words are like an anchor, grounding me in the present moment, even as I reflect on the incredible journey we’ve taken together.

Suddenly, my focus sharpens as I realize Derrick is walking toward me. My heart quickens, and I’m caught between anticipation and curiosity.What is happening?I wonder. But nothing could have prepared me for the unexpected turn of events.

In the midst of the crowd’s increasing cheers and the excited jumping of Alex, Derrick drops down on one knee. A gasp escapes my lips, and I feel my cheeks flush with surprise and disbelief. I instinctively bring my hands to my mouth as my eyes widen.

Derrick’s voice breaks through the hushed and expectant room. “Amber,” he begins, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that sends my heart racing, “will you marry me?”

The world seems to pause for an eternal moment, and all I can hear is the sound of my own heartbeat. The question hangs in the air, leaving me breathless and filled with emotions. This is not how I had imagined this night. Not in the slightest.
