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With a rush of conflicting feelings, I turn away briefly, seeking a moment to collect my thoughts. What should I do? What do I feel? The room is filled with quiet tension as I turn back to Derrick, and I see the vulnerability in his eyes.

Holding his cheeks gently, I offer a trembling smile. “Thank you for everything,” I say with heartfelt gratitude. I watch as his shoulders tense ever so slightly, awaiting my response.

Then, I extend my hand toward him, nodding silently in affirmation. Derrick, his eyes shimmering with hope and anticipation, slips the ring off his fingers into mine. The delicate glint of the diamond captures the room’s warm light, and I feel a rush of love and gratitude for this man who has become such an essential part of my life.


Amid the excitement and celebrations that follow Derrick’s unexpected proposal, friends and family shower us with congratulations and well-wishes. The party continues to be a lively affair, with laughter and music filling the air, and it feels like the perfect culmination of the day.

I’m in the midst of a heartwarming conversation with an elderly lady who came to extend her blessings. Just as soon as she walks off, I hear a voice from behind me. It carries a tone of sincerity and affection that’s familiar.

“Congratulations, Amber.”

I turn, my eyes widening in disbelief, and there she stands: my mother, dressed beautifully and beaming with a radiant smile. I can’t help but stare, feeling like I’m in a dream. My mouth opens, but no words escape. I’m shocked, surprised, and overwhelmed with a jumble of emotions.

Before I can even utter a question or reach out to her, my mother envelops me in a tight, heartfelt hug. Her embrace is so warm, so full of love and regret, that I can’t help but hold her back, my eyes welling up with tears.

She releases me and steps back, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. With a shaky breath, she admits, “I’m so sorry, Amber. I don’t even know where to start, but I’m so, so sorry.”

A thousand questions and emotions are swirling within me, but the simple words of apology from my mother cut through all the confusion. I know there is much to be said, many questions to be answered, and numerous emotions to be processed.

My mother’s presence alone is overwhelming, and her apology touches my heart deeply. I can’t hold back my own tears as I whisper, “Mom.”

“How did, how. . . how did you get here?” I ask.

Just then, Derrick approaches us with a sense of satisfaction, and a triumphant smile. “The duchess is confused,” he says. He goes ahead to chuckle, a hint of mischief in his eyes, and announces, “Well, I pulled it off.”

“Oh, this man!” I exclaim with a mixture of amusement and affection. “How did you. . .”

“I know my ways,” he announces, still smiling.

The door bursts open, Alex running in as he calls out, “Grandma!” before he leaps into my mother’s arms. His unreserved affection for her fills the room with warmth, and the atmosphere is suddenly charged with the boundless love of family.

My mother, holding Alex close, begins to sob gently. The tears that have been held back for so long are finally finding their release. I take hold of Derrick’s hand, swinging it slowly with the rhythm of the music that plays in the background.


It’s a few days after the whirlwind of the burial and the emotional proposal, and I find myself alone in the backyard of Derrick’s family home. The setting is serene, with an expanse of large trees and flourishing greenery. The cool breeze rustles the leaves, and the warm sun bathes the landscape in a gentle, golden glow.

While I’m sitting amid this tranquil scene, I think about the recent turn of events in my life. It seems as if all the good things I never expected have been happening in quick succession, and my heart is filled with a sense of contentment that I’d never imagined before.

The day before, my mother, Lisa, had flown back to New York. We had shared a bittersweet farewell, as I promised to come and visit her soon. Last night, I had also placed a video call to my dearest friend, Rose, and eagerly showed her the engagement ring. She had reacted with infectious excitement, her happiness radiating through the screen and warming my heart.

Today, I decided to paint a beautiful landscape of the greenery that stretches before me. As I dip my brush into the vibrant hues of paint, I pour my emotions onto the canvas.

However, my reverie is broken by the sound of approaching footsteps behind me. I turn to see Derrick, a warm smile on his face, and a man next to him. The man appears to be in his fifties, with salt-and-pepper hair and a face that carries a faint look of familiarity, something I can’t quite place my finger on.

I put down my paintbrush, a bit puzzled, and lean over to Derrick for a hug. “Welcome, dear,” I say before turning my attention to the unfamiliar man and greeting him with a polite, “Good evening.”

I shoot Derrick a questioning look, silently asking who this man is and why he’s here.

Derrick takes a moment, his face carrying a hesitant look. He clears his throat, a hint of nervousness in his voice. “Amber, there’s something I’ve been working on for a while,” he begins. “It’s a secret I’ve kept from you, and I hope you’ll forgive me for that.”

My curiosity grows, and my heart beats faster. I listen intently as he explains how he had gone out of his way to uncover hidden truths and make extraordinary discoveries. It’s evident in his eyes that he’s sharing something deeply significant.

Derrick introduces the man, the one I had noticed earlier but couldn’t quite place. “This is Ted,” he says, gesturing toward him. “Ted is your father, Amber.”

