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We’reoutonabeautiful, sunny day, and we’ve decided to have a family picnic. We find a quiet spot in the park, and I sit on a comfortable mat, watching the scene unfold before me.

Derrick, a few feet away, has taken a little distance to make a phone call. His deep voice floats toward me as he engages in a conversation that’s both distant and present at the same time.

My heart warms as I turn my attention to the two most important men in my life. Ted, my father, is pushing Alex on a swing, his laughter ringing through the air. I marvel at how much he’s become a part of our lives. He’s turned out to be a lot better than I ever could have hoped for.

In the past few days that I’ve been with him, we’ve bonded over discussions that go way back—even to before my birth.

As I look at him right now, I see my eyes I never saw in my mother.

I see my warmth.

I see me.

A mega me.

I stand from where I am and walk toward the swing. I give Alex a peck and hold Ted’s hand.

Derrick is still making a call where he stands. He turns and looks at me and we smile at each other. He blows a kiss at me, and I laugh, catching it.

The End.
