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Both Ashcrofts turned to face the girls, who were staring at them. Even though Gracie and Raina had been to Ashcroft Plotting Sessions before, the cousins were enough to make anyone’s head spin. They bounced ideas off each other faster than the Rolls Royce had driven this morning, and anyone who’d been let in on a session usually had their jaws dropping after a few minutes.

“I’m impressed,” Gracie said finally.

“Really,” Raina agreed. She leaned back in her chair, letting out a loud groan. “Ugh, this is hard.”

A grin split Jesse’s face. “That’s what she said,” he managed before starting to laugh.

“I’m dealing with children.” Raina threw her hands up in frustration, her elbow accidentally knocking over Gracie’s water bottle.

Gracie sighed as water exploded all over her shirt, waving both Dean and Raina away as they sprung up to help. “At least I’m dating the more mature Ashcroft.” Gracie righted the water bottle with one hand and held the wet fabric away from her body with the other. Jesse helpfully handed over a box of tissues that had been on a small table. “Aww, shoot. I’m all wet.”

“That’s what shesaid,” Dean said with a grin of his own.

Jesse started to laugh again and this time, Dean joined him.

“I give up,” Gracie declared, throwing her hands in the air. “Theo is my favorite Ashcroft now.”

“Why don’t we take a break and come back to this later?” Raina suggested. “Jesse and I had to wake up pretty early, and the best ideas usually come after a full night’s sleep. We can brainstorm tonight and continue this discussion tomorrow.”

“Works for me,” Dean said quickly. “Gracie and I volunteer to brainstorm here. Now.”

Jesse rolled his eyes. What an obvious attempt to have a few minutes alone. Gross. “Well, I know when I’m not wanted. Raina, should we grab lunch?”

“We’ll be there in a few minutes,” Dean said.

Shaking his head, Jesse headed out of the common room, Raina close behind. They chatted about nothing and everything for a bit before the conversation turned to the English presentation they had to give next Thursday.

“So if all we have to do is go over the details and write the speech, I think we’re pretty set.” Jesse rubbed his hands together as they walked down one of Trinity’s many hallways. “We’ve definitely done enough research on the subject, and I gave Theo instructions on what to purchase for our demonstration.”

“It was nice of Theo to offer to go to the store for us,” Raina remarked.

Jesse nodded. “He said he already was planning on going, and it saves us a trip. Hey, do you have your lunch or should we swing by your kitchen?”

“I popped in to grab a sandwich before history.” Raina patted her backpack as they rounded a corner toward the huge double doors that led to the dining hall. “We can head straight to lunch.”

Lunchtime was busier than usual and Raina and Jesse had to fight to get through the crowds to their table. Nicole sat alone, earbuds in as she stared at her phone.

“Where is everyone?” Jesse asked, swinging his legs into the seat next to his best friend.

Nicole pulled an earbud out. “Zara’s eating with other friends. Gracie and Dean are probably hooking up. Theo’s MIA.”


Jesse grabbed the watcher pitcher from the middle of the table and poured himself a cup, checking out the spaghetti and meatballs on Nicole’s plate. It looked good, so Jesse happily went to the buffet line to grab himself a plate or two.

“We need to set another tutoring session,” Nicole was saying when he returned. “Mrs. D asked me how they were going after class today.”

Raina looked like she wanted to say something, but instead pasted a small smile across her face. “Sure. When works for you?”

“Let’s do tomorrow after dinner.” Nicole stood and snagged her half-full plate from the table before walking away.

Raina made atsk-tsksound, shaking her head in disapproval. “Does she even care if I was busy? Or was she going to tell me what to do and expect me to say yes?”

Jesse shrugged. More than likely that had beenexactlywhat Nicole was planning. In all the years he’d known her, Nicole had never been the type of person to ask for permission. If you looked for the textbook definition of ‘act first, apologize later,’ you’d find a picture of Nicole Lawrence next to it.

“Honestly, it’s best to let it go and argue later,” he replied.

“Yes, you would know all about that,” Raina muttered under her breath, but Jesse still caught the soft words.
