Page 52 of Daddy's Praise

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“Wow,” both of the other girls said.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much how I’m feeling, too.”

Nyla looked at her watch. “Time to meet the guys.”

I tried to push away the feelings of a virgin bride on her wedding night as Nyla and Jazz linked their arms in mine and we left the safety of the owners’ lounge.

When we walked out the door to the main club floor, it was obvious something was going on. The lights in the club were dimmed and it was eerily quiet. The chatter and sounds of play that had been present last week were completely missing. And also, unlike that night where itfeltlike all eyes were on me, this time they actually were. We walked through an aisle of people as they watched. There was a low pulsing music playing as we made our way through the crowd to the middle of the room where Archer was standing under a spotlight of sorts.

My feet stopped moving and I froze in place, shaking my head back and forth. “What is going on?”

“We’re almost there,” Jasmine urged.

Archer raised his hand and crooked his finger in a ‘come here’ motion.

I swallowed hard and allowed Jazz and Nyla to drag me the last few steps as I glanced around at all of the unfamiliar faces.

“Go.” Nyla gave me a tiny shove and my feet moved to Archer. My Daddy. The man I trusted above anyone else in my life. I reminded myself how I felt about him and took a deep fortifying breath.

“You look fucking amazing,” Archer said when I was finally standing in front of him. “Are you okay?”

“I will be when you tell me what is happening.”

One of the friends, I think it was Lennon, stepped toward Archer with a large velvet box. He opened it and offered it to Archer.

It looked like a necklace and he held it up in front of me. “Before I begin, I want to tell you something I think you’ve been waiting to hear. I love you.”

Tears pricked my eyelids, and I choked up, nodding tearfully. My voice came out in a thick whisper. “I love you too.” He already knew that, of course, but I had to say it again.

“Audrey Lynn,” he continued, “it is my intention to give you this collar as a symbol of your submission to me. It is an outward expression of what we already know: that you are mine, and I am yours. Do you accept this collar?”

My breath caught in my throat as I finally understood the full scope of what was happening. I might be new to the lifestyle, but I knew enough to know this was a big fucking deal. “Yes, Daddy. I accept.”

Stepping forward he motioned for me to turn around and he placed the collar around my neck. “There is a mechanism in this clasp that only I have the key to unlock which means the only person that can take it off of you is me.” That tidbit of information was whispered close to my ear as he locked the collar in place.

“Thank you.” I traced the chain where it sat against my collarbone. No one would ever know what it actually was unless they were in the club tonight. I kind of loved that—it was like their own naughty little secret.

Archer placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around to face him once more.

“With this collar, I vow to love and cherish you. I promise to guide and encourage you. I promise to continue to learn what is best for you, and I am prepared to give as much, or more than you give to me. I am acknowledging that your submission is the ultimate gift and I will never abuse that gift in any way.”

I didn’t know what to say, but thankfully it didn’t seem like he expected me to say anything. I looked deep into his eyes and finally, he dipped his head, smashing his mouth against mine in a searing kiss. Tangling his fingers in my hair, he held me tight against him. After a minute or so he broke the kiss and he smiled. “You surprised?”

“That’s the understatement of the year.” I smiled back.

“I’m not done,” he announced, taking a step back and accepting another box from Lennon. This one was undeniably a ring box. If I was surprised before, I was astounded now as he got on one knee in front of me.

“Babygirl, I love you more than I can ever express in words. You have accepted my collar as my submissive. Now will you accept this ring and give me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“Are you serious right now?”

“I’ve never been more serious in my life, and I’m a lawyer so that’s saying something.” He winked which made me giggle.

“Yes, Archer. I will be your wife.”

The entire room erupted in applause as he put the ring on my finger and got to his feet. Grabbing me in a hug, he lifted me off the ground and twirled in a circle. I laughed, surprised at the way my serious, shark-like Dom was expressing himself. The joy I felt in that moment was unrivaled by anything I had ever felt before in my life. He could not have proclaimed his love in a more powerful way if he tried.

“I love you, Daddy.” I said when he finally set me back on my feet.

“I love you too, my sweet good girl. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth.”

Happy wasn’t the word I would have used to express my feelings. I didn’t really know if there was a word to describe them. Thankfully, Archer took matters into his own hands and kissed me again. I had never believed in happily ever afters, especially not for myself, anyway. But Archer proved me wrong and I’d never been more thankful. He could prove me wrong anytime, as long as he always called me his good girl.

